

And consequently nothing will be done about it

Majority of victims of antisemitic crime in NYC are ultra-Orthodox, Hasidic – report

An estimated 97% of the 194 antisemitic hate crimes documented were carried out by people belonging to other minority groups.

Most antisemitic hate crimes against Jewish people in New York City were targeted at Orthodox or Hasidic Jews and were perpetuated by people from other minority groups, a new report has found.

Overall, 194 cases were recorded in those four years, with 154 being physical assaults and the other 40 verbal. 22% of crimes were committed by teenagers and 23% were committed by a group of two or more people.

An estimated 97% of the 194 hate crimes documented were carried out by people belonging to other minority groups. Furthermore, 94% of victims in antisemitic incidences in those four years were Orthodox or Hasidic Jews, the report stated.

Nothing will be done to stop this.

The identity politics of the Left means that we can’t even acknowledge this as a problem.

The only time the Left will  stand up against antisemitism is when they can use criticism of antisemitism to bash the Right.

This is why I am, and will always be, an advocate for self defense and concealed carry.

You are your own last line of defense, especially if you are Jewish.

He won’t make it 100 days

Louisiana sheriff’s deputy and SWAT commander is sentenced to 100 YEARS in prison after allowing his wife to use his sperm in cake batter for cupcakes that she fed to her students

A former Louisiana sheriff’s deputy and SWAT commander will spend the rest of his life in prison as he was sentenced to 100 years after pleading guilty to slew of sex crimes Tuesday.

One of the 150 horrific crimes saw former Livingston Parish Sheriff’s Office Deputy Dennis Perkins, 46, ejaculate sperm into a cake that his teacher wife had made for her students at Westside Junior High School.

His wife, Cynthia, 37, was sentenced to 41 years in prison in February for pleading guilty her role in her husband’s crimes, which also included producing child pornography. As part of her sentencing, Cynthia agreed to testify against her husband.

Perkins entered the plea to one count of second-degree rape, two counts of sexual battery of a child, one count of video voyeurism, two counts of production of child porn involving children under age 13 and one count of mingling of harmful substances.

A former Sheriff convicted for sex crimes against children.  How long do you think he will last in gen pop?

He should take the easy way out because that will be less painful than what other inmates will do you him.

Another child killed by a pitt bull

Louisiana girl, 7, is mauled to death by neighbor’s pit bull while playing outside: Dog’s owner, 20, is charged with homicide for letting bloodthirsty pet roam freely, as victim’s mom says: ‘My heart is shattered’

A seven-year-old Louisiana girl was mauled to death by a free-roaming pit bull while playing outside a relative’s home.

Sadie Davila, of East Baton Rouge, was rushed to the hospital after the dog attacked her on Friday night, and later passed away from her grave injuries, WAFB reports.

The dog’s owner, Erick Chinchilla Lopez, 20, a neighbor of Sadie’s relative, was arrested and charged with negligent homicide for failing to confine or restrain the dog.

According to the arrest report, Lopez’s home didn’t even have a fence or other barrier to keep the dog from roaming the streets.

The East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office said Sadie’s relative tried to rescue her from the dog, but was not able to stop the vicious attack.

A pitt bull allowed to roam free killed a child.

That was inevitable, to be honest.

I keep telling you, I see a loose pitt bull, I’m going to shoot it.

This is why.

Link Dump


Houston Taqueria Shooting: Emotions running afoul consequences.

Let’s set the legality/morality/Schadenfraude/etc. emotions running about the actions. I am going to give you my reasons why this shooting should not be celebrated or imitated.

This is a comment I saw in Facebook and I want to use as anchor.

“That dude is fine. He won’t be found guilty of it goes to trial. Deadly force is deadly force.”

And the person might be right, but why risk going to trail in the first place? Do you have the six figures that will probably cost you to cover the expenses of a shooting? Do you have a family? Are you willing to have them harassed by the Media and assorted political assholes? How about your job? You will probably be asked to leave (or fired) because of the same before-mentioned assholes disrupting the business. Your life will be suspended for at least one year and that does not include the trip to the local jail and the procedures you will be subjected to which will be the same as if you were some low-life criminal with an extensive record. Can you afford making bail? Will bail even be considered? How about dealing with the critters inside lockup? You killed one of them, some retribution might be expected, or you must get ready to spend a long time in “protected” time all by your lonesome.  And how about the critters outside coming after your family?

I read somewhere that Zimmerman’s legal costs went above the two-million-dollar mark.   I have no idea how much Rittenhouse’s expenses were, but I figure nothing under the six figures either.

And yes, at the end you may be set free and revindicated, but all the suffering you and yours went through cannot be palliated.

And just because you took a dumb extra shot in the heat of the moment with inflated ego.