

Entitled Foreigner Is Unhappy He Can’t Enter the U.S. Illegally

When I was a kid the term for somebody that crossed the border illegally was “illegal alien”. According to the Oxford English Dictionary “alien” means “a foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where they are living.
” And “Illegal” just means that they are not hear with the permission of the government.

The narrative went into action “people aren’t illegal”. “Nobody is illegal”. Everything was about making a well defined term with well defined and understood meaning to become unacceptable.

Terms used were “alien”, “undocumented worker”, “worker”, “asylum seekers”, “undocumented migrant”, and finally “migrant”.

So today if you say “I don’t want illegal aliens to invade our country” you will be meet with ridicule and scorn. “Why are you against extraterrestrials?” “Are you afraid some alien is going to probe you?”

All of this is designed to confuse communications.

“Undocumented worker” is designed to make you think that all illegal aliens are actually working here in the U.S. Or at least looking for work. While it is true that it is difficult to find American citizens that are willing to work for the wages that illegals will, this is not a reason to allow illegals into the country.

Today being against the swarm of people crossing the southern border is being “racist” or against “migrants”. This is not the case at all.

In 2020 President Trump used a law designed to protect the country in times of pandemics from being flooded with sick people. Title 42. This allowed him to send those that were captured back to Mexico. It allowed him to stop the people claiming asylum from making that claim.

Remember, that if you are escaping a bad place, you should be claiming asylum in the first country you escape too. Yes, there are exceptions for the scenarios where you are escaping a bad place (U.S.S.R.) and have to pass through other bad places (East Germany) before you get to a safe place. (West Germany). This is not the case of those that were able to safely walk north through multiple countries before claiming asylum in the United States.

Nobody on the left would claim it was ok for us to move those illegal aliens to Canada and have them seek asylum there.

Unfortunately we are being invaded through our southern border. The state of Arizona is being sued because the started stacking containers near the southern border which was acting like a real fence. There is more money being funneled to Ukraine and the IRS than there is to border protections.

Because of this we end up with entitled bullshit like the following.

When Vladimir Castellanos learned that COVID-19 restrictions blocking him and other migrants from claiming asylum at the U.S. border with Mexico may not be terminated this week, he said he felt deceived.

Castellanos and his brother are Venezuelans, and they were among dozens of migrants gathered on both sides of the Rio Grande on Monday night in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, and El Paso, Texas, with some lighting small fires to keep warm as temperatures dropped toward freezing.

They had traveled there in anticipation that the COVID-19 restrictions, known as Title 42, would be lifted on Wednesday as ordered by a U.S. court. Title 42 allows U.S. authorities to rapidly expel migrants to Mexico and other countries without a chance to seek U.S. asylum.

But in a last-minute move, the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday allowed Title 42 to remain in place temporarily while a legal challenge by Republican state attorneys general seeking to extend the measures is decided.

Here is a man that was somehow able to travel all the way from Venezuela to the southern border. He didn’t bother to attempt to apply for asylum at anypoint in his travels. He didn’t bother to try to apply for asylum in any of the normal ways.

He expected to travel to the southern border, cross it illegally. Then turn himself in and ask for asylum. The problem is that he and the millions of other illegal aliens like him don’t actually qualify for asylum. Being a citizen of a poor country, a third world shit hole, does NOT make you qualified for asylum.

There are particular rules.

And if you are going to become a productive member of the US society, which is in doubt, why didn’t you do that in your own country.

Our tenuous grasp on civilization

Miguel touched on this a little bit with his post After a Natural Disaster, the Human Predators come out, but I wanted get into this topic a bit more.

First this story from CNN:

Winter storm death toll rises to 27 in the Buffalo, New York, area but officials fear it will continue to climb

Dozens of Americans have died have died as a winter storm brought frigid temperatures and paralyzing snowfall totals across the US, and officials in the Buffalo area believe the staggering toll will continue to grow there as teams carry on with search-and-rescue missions.

The nationwide death toll from storm, which brought more than 40 inches of snow to some areas, climbed to 49 on Monday, with 27 of those deaths in Erie County, New York.

Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz tweeted that 14 people in the county had died of exposure, three people were found in their vehicles, four had no heat, three were from “shoveling/(snow) blowing cardiac events, and three people passed away after EMS services were delayed.

Too many people, including residents just going out to see the massive snowfall, are going out in their vehicles and getting stuck and blocking recovery efforts, he said.

The deaths I find most shocking are the people who went out into the cold and died, especially those trapped in their cars.

How quickly civilized people forget how lethal mother nature can be when the comforts of technology are removed.

Then there is this article from the NY Post:

Looters ransack snowbound Buffalo as cops are stuck elsewhere

Deadly blizzard conditions in upstate New York gave cover to local looters over the weekend as they robbed businesses while police were stuck elsewhere.

Some businesses had their windows smashed and merchandise damaged and stolen as snow and ice pummeled the region, local TV station WRGZ reported.

Buffalo cops made a “few” arrests, according to city Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia, who added that investigations continue into other incidents after widespread reports of looting on social media.

The weather conditions limited the crime-fighting efforts of local law enforcement, with travelers’ stranded vehicles clogging roads and snow-related emergencies taking police away from their normal beats.

#BuffaloLooting was trending.






With the police busy dealing with people who underestimated the harshness of the weather, the Savages who prey upon the civilized set upon stores and businesses to pillage and plunder.

This shows just how tenuous our grasp on civilization really is.

Some sub zero temperatures and a few feet of snow and am American city goes Lord of the Flies.

This is why self reliance and the ability to self rescue are so important.

People will venture out and get stuck.  Law enforcement will go to rescue them.  The savages will use the lack of available law enforcement and the cover of darkness and bad weather to prey upon the helpless, and nobody will come to rescue you.

When the snow piles up, cracks will form in civilization and you are on your own.

Be prepared.

Our enemies run on envy and anger.

Check Butthurt here:

I’d bet this person has to use public transportation and lives in a pigeonhole in some Liberal urban area.  The idea that people could have a house and whatever accessories and add-ons to increase their comfort, drives him/her batty insane. “If I am miserable, everybody should miserable even if I have to come with some bullshit socialist excuse.”

And going from “they do not deserve to live like that” to “they do not deserve to live” is not a big jump for these people.

A bad situation all around leads to death

This is a tragedy of errors.

Maintenance worker killed at Grand Prairie apartment complex after resident believed he was being burglarized, police say

An investigation is underway after a maintenance worker was fatally shot while checking on waterlines at an apartment complex in Grand Prairie on Saturday evening, police said.

Officers responded to a shooting call around 6 p.m. at the Clayton Pointe Apartments along the 2900 block of Alouette Drive near Arkansas Lane and Highway 360.

Upon arrival at the scene, police said they found an apartment complex maintenance worker identified as 53-year-old Cesar Montelongo injured with a gunshot wound on a resident’s balcony.

Police said their investigation revealed that Montelongo was checking on multiple balconies for frozen or busted waterlines after pipes had burst throughout the apartment complex due to the recent arctic blast that has plagued the region.

According to police, a resident spotted Montelongo on his balcony, believed his apartment was being burglarized and shot Montelongo through a window.

Police said the resident stayed at the scene and cooperated with detectives. He was not arrested.

This was a fuck-up compounded by another fuck-up that resulted in one man dying, his family mourning, another man left with the emotional toll of what he did, and perhaps some prison time.

Let’s count the fuck-ups.

One: The resident shot Montelongo through a window.  Shooting through a window or door is almost always unjustified.  When the person is on the other side of the barrier, they are not in your property and don’t constitue an immediate threat.

The only exception to this is if the person on the other side of the window points a gun at you, if they can shoot you through the window, then it would be justified to shoot them through the window.

Texas law may be different.  My opinion is based on a general, non-lawyer understanding of castle doctrine.  But I’m inclined to err on the safe side.

Two: The maintenance man climbed onto people’s balconies without announcing himself or his intentions.  If I saw a man I didn’t know on my balcony I would definitely break my gun out of the safe and call 911 expecting the worse.

The apartment management and Montelongo should have gone door to door and spoke yo residents and asked to check their balconies.

I don’t believe either man acted with malicious intent, but a combination of stupid actions created a situation that led to a tragedy.

Don’t cut corners, use your brain, and obey common sense and the law.

Tuesday Tunes

I have sat at home with my mother and my brother looking at a sad Christmas tree. It was sad because my father was deployed and would not be home for Christmas. We would be at my grandparents on Christmas day and all would be brighter but still, my father was away fighting in a war.

In 1941, days before Christmas the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Men and boys by the thousands lined up to join up. They were gone before Christmas. The first of many years without husbands, fathers, sons and brothers being away for the holidays. Families gathered around the Christmas table and said prayers for the safety of their loved ones, away fighting the war.

That Christmas a song by Irving Berlin was aired on the Kraft Music Hall.

Thousands of miles away from home, men huddled around small fires trying to stay warm. They ate what they could. They dreamed of being home with their families if for only that one night. Further back from the front line, men sat under cover eating K-rats and wishing they were home and that the food was better. They dreamed of the meals they shared with their loved ones only a few short years ago.

If they were lucky, it wasn’t just K-rats, sometimes it was real food, turkey or ham. Something to remind them of home.

One of the small comforts was music. The radio would play music. By Christmas of 1943 the song was often requested by troops at USO shows where the singer was performing.

I hesitated about doing it because invariably it caused such a nostalgic yearning among the men, that it made them sad. Heaven knows, I didn’t come that far to make them sad. For this reason, several times I tried to cut it out of the show, but these guys just hollered for it.

My great uncle flew missions of Europe during WWII and was shot down. He recalled that the men hated the song but had to listen to it. It brought out so many hard memories. Other veterans of WWII have told me the same thing when asked.

A song so bitter sweet. To hurt so much to hear and remember yet to bring back those memories of what waited at home. The love that still kindled around the Christmas tree. The love of family. To know that those back home were praying for that soldier.

It is past Christmas this year. Still take the time to think of those that are still deployed, that are spending this holiday season far from home.

I never served in the military. My job was to support the US Army by keeping computers alive and well and by helping to build better software to keep our troops safer and to allow them to kill our enemies before they were killed.

I thank each of you that served. I’ve known to many veterans that left a part of themselves behind. Again, thank you.

Quote is from an interview given by Bing Crosby

After a Natural Disaster, the Human Predators come out.

Buffalo, NY.  And no, people were not desperate for food and had to break in stores after a week of starvation. This happened less than 48 hours after the storm.

And when DotGov does its best to eliminate its natural enemies, they run rampant.


And of course, it is going to be blamed on White Supremacism and/or Global Warming and/or Misgendering and/or some other horseshit rather than a collapse in basic community values and respect for individual and corporate property.

But we are the bad ones because we post warnings like this….and carry them out if necessary.