

Another example of why I own guns



This pudgy fuck is a stand-up comedian and writer for a grotesque Netflix show.

Now he says this was a joke.

I think I dawned on him that the people who he threatened in his sing-song way are a lot better at the skills of applying of violence than he is.

That’s why I own guns.

Because people like this will always exist.

Having fun with my kitchen lingerie

For Hanukkah my wife got me kitchen lingerie.

For those of you who don’t understand, it’s a term based on an old joke:

“Lingerie is a gift a man gives to his wife which is really For himself.”

Since I do the lion’s share of the cooking, kitchen lingerie is what we call fancy cooling appliances.  They are gifts for me which I use to make food for her and the rest of the family.

This year, I got a deep fryer.

I have been experimenting and made my own potato chips.


One of the tips I got was to brine the chips after slicing.

I brined them in a minute of kosher salt and a beef bullion cube, to give that beefy old-school McDonald’s beef tallow flavor.

Hot damn are they good.

I’m not sure if I’m ever going to buy potato chips ever again.

Next weekend I’m going to have to break out the deep fryer again and experiment some more.

California anarcho-tyranny

There are two definitions of anarcho-tyranny that I have found that summarize the principle perfectly:

A stage of governmental dysfunction in which the state is anarchically hopeless at coping with large matters but ruthlessly tyrannical in the enforcement of small ones.


Anarcho-Tyranny is a form of Dystopia where a state permits or encourages Anarchy Is Chaos in limited form, either out of laziness or some more malevolent motive, while decent people are suppressed.

This perfectly describes the State if California and is epitomized here in this interaction with California law enforcement.


These types of outlaw motorcyclist are a scourge.

But chasing them down and stopping them is difficult and dangerous work.

The guy who stopped is law abiding.

It’s much easier to be an officious jack-boot against a guy who stops at red lights than it is to catch real criminals.

On paper, when this cop fills out his report, he will get credit for enforcing the law.  That he ignored much more dangerous criminals to stop a guy revving his engine will not be factored into his performance review.

Real criminals are given free rein but the law abiding are stomped into submission and given citations they pay fines for to fill the government coffers.

This is, of course, antithetical to the way America is supposed to be.  This is the New America pioneered by California.

The secret ingredient to perfect French toast

Here is the secret to perfect French toast:


That’s it.

Eggs, cream, bread (I use a store-bought Challah), and powder sugar for dusting.

The secret is to mix the egg and cream in the blender (or with a stick blender) to liquify the mix and incorporate air.

That way it soaks into the bread and when it cooks, puffs up.

Fry on low-medium heat and done.



Socialism Never Works (Chapter 328, Section B)

This is a news item that pretty much has not risen a peep in the US.

 A federal judge in the United States has rejected a plea for diplomatic immunity from businessman Alex Saab, a close ally of Venezuela’s left-wing President Nicolas Maduro.

Lawyers for the Colombian-born Saab, 51, have argued that the charges against him should be dismissed, as he was acting as a diplomat for the Venezuelan government.
Judge Robert Scola in Miami, Florida, dismissed those arguments in a 15-page ruling on Friday. Scola’s ruling asserts that since the United States does not recognise the legitimacy of Maduro’s second term, the court cannot recognise Saab as a representative of his government.

“Maduro’s regime has been deemed ‘illegitimate,’” Scola wrote. “Any claim to diplomatic immunity asserted by a representative of the Maduro regime must also be considered illegitimate.”
The decision continues a nearly two-year-long legal battle over Saab, which has heightened tensions between the US and Venezuela. Saab faces one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

US judge denies diplomatic immunity for Maduro ally Alex Saab | Government News | Al Jazeera

Here is the part of the article that made me laugh.


Maduro’s government has supported Saab’s claims that he was acting as a diplomat for the Venezuelan government, saying he was en route to Iran to negotiate an oil deal at the time of his arrest.

It would have been Saab’s third visit to Iran on behalf of Venezuela, his defence argues.

To bolster Saab’s request for diplomatic immunity, Saab’s lawyers offered notes they said were diplomatic communications between Iran and Venezuela as evidence to the US court.

Saab’s defence has also claimed he was carrying a sealed letter from Maduro himself, asking Iran’s leadership to support a deal to export fuel to Venezuela. The South American country was, at the time, experiencing extreme fuel shortages, with gasoline prices climbing to $10 a gallon.


Ladies and Gentlemen, Venezuela is sitting on the largest oil reserves in the world: 300 billion barrels. But Socialism has done such a shitty job with the industry that they need to make deals with other countries to buy black gold.

But have no fear, the Biden administration has come to the rescue of the corrupt regime:

The Treasury Department granted permission Saturday for oil giant Chevron to produce and export oil from Venezuela following the South American country’s decision to restart talks with opposition groups.

Biden gives Chevron permit to restart Venezuelan oil sales – POLITICO

Socialist assholes will help each other, especially if there is a positive cash flow.