

Winter hack

I went to Walmart and bought a gallon of Super Tech RV deicer.  It’s for keeping potable water lines in RVs from freezing in winter when not in use.  It’s non-toxic, rated to -50°F, and less than $4 per gallon.


I put it in a spray bottle and mist it onto my car windows.  It melts the frost in seconds with no scraping.

Much cheaper than the pre-bottled window defroster.

It is all about destroying western civilization

I’m a firm believer in climate change. The climate changes. FULL STOP.

How much of the current change in climate is the direct result of human actions? That’s a different question. I remember reading about the changes in climate post 9/11. With so much air travel stopped and so many people just not driving there was a measurable change in temperatures/climate.

While the doomsayers claim the damage is not reversible, the measurements after 9/11 suggest that it is reversible and without much real effort. I don’t know.

I use to follow the science of “climate change” a bit more closely. I longer do. Part of the issue is that there is so much political capital invested in climate change that I do not believe that it is possible to get balanced answers.

When they say “follow the science” don’t forget to also “follow the money.”

Years ago I did some work for a part of NOAA. One of the things that we were doing was digitizing all of the old weather records. These were hand written records going back a hundred years. All of these were being manually entered into the system to be processed.

What we observed was that the temperatures were about the same a 100 years ago vs what we were seeing at that time, mid 1980s. We were looking because there was a huge concern that the next ice age was overdue and we should expect the glaciers to be advancing south from Canada in day.

In the 1970’s I read an article in Popular Science that said that scientist were considering shooting rockets over the poles in order to disburse a fine powder of carbon which would absorb heat from the sun in order to stop the ice age.

A few years later it was “global warming” which was the problem. The temperatures were rising and the world as we know it was going to end because the temperature was going up.

When it didn’t happen as predicted the words changed to “climate change”. This is sort of like talking about “carbon footprint” or “reducing carbon emissions”. The reason it is bad language is that “carbon emissions” they are talking about are actually CO2 emissions. People do remember the days of horrible air pollution.

They remember the filth of London from all the coal burning stoves that put real carbon into the air. Carbon that turned things black. People know that carbon is black and dirty and hard to clean up. Anybody that has ever had to clean a camp pot knows the black carbon film a campfire leaves behind.

So when people hear “carbon emissions” they don’t think of an odorless, tasteless, clear gas, they think of the smoke spewing chimmies of times gone past.

“Climate Change” is such a magical term. If you don’t agree that man is causing horrible changes to the climate of the earth you are a “climate denier”. If the summer is hotter than last year it is proof of climate change. If the summer is cooler than last year it is proof of climate change.

There is no way to disprove the climate change position which makes it pseudo science, at best.

Recently there was a breakthrough in nuclear fusion studies.

On Tuesday [Dec 6, 2022], the head of the Department of Energy and other federal scientific leaders announced that a fusion reaction they ran at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California achieved net energy, meaning the reaction generated more energy than was put in to initiate the reaction. It’s the first time humankind has achieved this landmark.

This is a huge breakthrough. They pumped in two megajoules of energy and three megajoules came out. While there have been a number of announcements in the past saying somebody had gotten fusion to work, most of the time the amount of measured energy was so small as to possibly (likely) be a measurement error rather than actual fusion.

To think of this we need to understand some units. A Joule is a measure of Energy. The average American household consumes around 29.5 kWh per day. This is around 106.3MJ

They dumped in a half hour worth of Energy use and got out 45 minutes worth of energy.

This is wonderful news. This is a true breakthrough. Yes, I’m repeating myself. Now that they have accomplished this, multiple times, and it looks like other groups should be able to reproduce, they can start work on making this all work in a smaller package.

This is a step towards large amounts of power available for much lower costs. My Grandkids will likely see the first nuclear fusion power generators dumping power into the grid. Depending on a number of things these fusion reactors might even become small enough to putt in a house or maybe power trains or trucks or at some point, even cars.

Absolutely amazing.

So the left is celebrating. If this works as it should this should end our dependence on fossil fuels for powering modern society.

This article goes on to say that they have heard it all before and it is likely just the same old hype without any real path to success. Even if it did work it is years away from commercial power plants using fusion.

“Here, scientists are clear. Fusion power will not arrive in time to save the world.”

The only path that is ever possible for these cultist is to stop using fossil fuels right now and destroy our civilization. Because… reasons…

The body positivity movement needs to die before more people do

It’s time to end the body positivity movement and go to full on national fat shaming.

From the NY Post:

‘Super Sized Salon’ star Jamie Lopez dead at 37

Jamie Lopez, founder of Babydoll Beauty Couture and star of the WE tv reality show “Super Sized Salon,” has died. She was 37.

The plus-size stylist was reportedly hospitalized in Las Vegas and died from heart complications over the weekend, sources told TMZ on Monday.

Lopez’s Las Vegas business, founded in 2017, claims to be the world’s first plus-size salon.

“People just don’t like fat people, they treat us horribly,” she told the Mirror in 2019 regarding her drive to foster inclusivity. “They want to make us feel like we’re unwelcome or feel like we don’t belong here.”

The WE tv show, which premiered in August, chronicled her journey to design it while confined to her bed, as she weighed 846 pounds before losing 400 pounds.

This is a 37-year-old woman who weighed 446 lbs and died of heart complications.


This is a video from her promo.


This woman is a victim of the body positivity movement that said it was fine to look like this.

It’s not.

A human body is not supposed to be that big.

A permissive and tolerant society encouraged her to get that big and rewarded her for it. Celebrating her as a plus-sized salon owner.

And now she’s dead.

Obesity needs to not be tolerated and the people who push body positivity need to be made into a pariah.

I know it sounds mean but it’s necessary tough love to save lives.

Tuesday Tunes

Many songs tell a story. Everything from “Sink the Bismark” to “Tornado”, the songs tell a story. There are also albums that tell a story. Sometimes they are called “concept” albums.

Some of the famous ones are “Tommy” by The Who and “Peter and the Wolf”. One of my favorites is “The Ballad of Calico” by Kenny Rogers and The First Edition. Unfortunately it hasn’t been released on CD so there are only bootleg versions available.

The digital copies I made from my LPs have gone away somewhere along the line of moving from computer to computer.

Here is a link to the complete album: The Legend of Anne Bonny

Here are two of my favorite tracks from the album:

Here is the song that Karliene turned into the complete album:

Don’t defend Avatar you dumbasses

The Right is extremely good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory by being utterly bone-headed stupid.

There is an old quote of military doctrine I’ve heard attributed to both Napoleon and Sun Tzu: Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. 

There is a segment of the Right that has gotten so addicted to “owning the Libs” that they constantly interrupt their enemy.

This Tweet has trended and been mocked by the Right:


Before you mock this, let’s evaluate the situation.

I’m a big fan of James Cameron films of the 80s and 90s.

The Terminator, Aliens, The Abyss, T2: Judgment Day, True Lies are all excellent.

Then after he made Titanic, something in him broke.  He came back in 2009 with Avatar.

That movie was Leftist trash.

The entire basis of the movie is the trope of the Noble Savage.

The war paint, the drum circles, the tribal community, giving thanks for the life of the animal they killed to eat, these aliens were an amalgamation of tropes and stereotypes of indigenous cultures around the world.

They lived in perfect harmony with nature, no disease or hunger, no misery or suffering, no greed or avarice or consumerism, just idyllic life in spiritual oneness with the natural world.

Their Edenesque peace was broken but evil capitalist white men who came to destroy the land for a blue rock.

Then the perfect Noble Savages united with nature, armed with bows and arrows, and successfully defeated the technologically advanced, interplanetary spacefaring humans.

It was dumb as shit and racist as fuck.

But in 2009, the Left overlooked the Noble Savage trope and loved the movie.

If you needed to make it any clearer, Palestinians actually painted themselves blue and dressed up like the Na’vi to protest Israel to convince stupid Western Progressives that they were the noble victims of evil colonialism.

It’s been 13 years since the last Avatar movie, and the Left has shifted.

Now all the Noble Savage tropes are cultural appropriation and the Left wants to cancel Avatar: The Way of Water.


James Cameron gave an interview and said “I always think of [testosterone] as a toxin that you have to slowly work out of your system,”

Holy fuck, that’s some serious soy bullshit.

Don’t fucking defend that guy and his Noble Savage trope anti-capitalist movie.

Let Cameron get eaten by his fellow Leftists for not being Leftist enough.

This is not the time to say “cultural appropriation is not a thing.”

Die on that hill later.  Right now sit back and watch, or better yet, stir the pot.  Encourage the cannibalistic bloodbath.

Do not interrupt your enemy when they forming a circular firing squad.

But there are some people on the Right who feel compelled to jump into this fray on principle.

On principle I won’t.

I’m going support the Canceling of Avatar by the very fucking people it was meant to appeal to.