

Another General who is against your 2A rights

I have been documenting case after case if what I call O’Sullivan’s officers.

The name comes from O’Sullivan’s First Law, which states: All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing.

The US military is perhaps the prime example.

The military is supposed to be politically neutral.

As a result, the top brass are ideologically on par with Slate.



The former commander of thr infantry school is an anti-gun activist.

The top brass in command of training the doers of violence for the US government are ideologically opposed to your Second Amendment rights.

That should scare the fuck out of you.

Who do you think will be tasked with civilian disarmament?

If push ever comes to shove, those who swore to uphold and defend the Constitution do not respect your Constitutional rights.

That does not bode well.


Choosing a Tennessee License Plate to hide Gayness?

An opinion piece by David Plazas published in the local rag, unfortunately behind a paywall, but they allow a PDF download of it. It seems that unbeknownst to most of and doe in perfect secrecy, an extermination campaign against members of the LGQBT+(assorted) community is under way in the Volunteer state and its members are now required to use camouflage to travel inconspicuously across the state.

The basic Tennessee license plate comes with the option of having the words “In God We Trust” or not. I don’t care either way, but the missus being a good Christian lady decided she wanted it, so we got it. (It should actually be “In God We Trust, Everybody Else Keep Your Hands Where I Can See Them” but I guess that would be too much) 

The author of this article says it went with the IGWT version out of fear.

Six months ago, in a column about faith pervading Tennessee life and society, I told readers I was not sure what box I was going to check on the “In God We Trust” question.

“I am a preacher’s son who led our company’s interfaith employee group, but I am also wary of sending a government-sponsored message about religion that would marginalize people because of their faith tradition or lack thereof,” I wrote.

I am guessing he rejects the possession of cash money because of “In God We Trust”, right ? (Big fat fucking chance.)

Since the column ran on June 10, however, the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision on abortion was overturned, top state and federal elected leaders held a rally to decry what they call “genital mutilation,” the Maury County library director was run out of his job for having an LGBTQ book display, and legislation has been filed to allow the state to intervene in transgender people’s medical decisions and regulate drag shows.

I am not going to address point by point the different loads of manure expressed above, but it does give you a good picture of where Mr. Plazas stands politically.


Moreover, as documented by The Tennessean, the rise of Christian nationalism has permeated state politics, turning terms such as “Tennessee values” into cudgels against people who hold different viewpoints.

Other values are however allowed to drive cudgels, stakes and hairpins if they chose so because they are approved by the Left.

And now we come to the nugget of essence of this verbiage:

When I chose “In God We Trust,” it was an emotional decision made out of self-preservation and personal safety.

As someone who also identifies as LGBTQ and travels across the state regularly where expressions of secularism are not always as common as in urban areas, I made my decision based on fear.

WE NEED CAMOUFLAGE TO FEND OFF THE EVIL REDNECKS! ZOMG! I mean, one moment you are driving I-40 minding your own business and listening to your favorite LGBTQ+ podcast when a caravan of pick-up trucks loaded with fat males wearing overalls only, drinking beer and menacingly waving chains and baseball bats surround you Prius because they noticed you don’t have a “In God We Trust” and therefore you must be a groomer.

Only one problem with Mr. Plaza’s BDSM fantasy is reality, to wit: the size of the inscription in question.

The bottom plate is the “offending” version.  You have to look hard for the IGWT part as you walk by a car in any parking lot, and almost an impossibility while driving. So, all his “fears” are nothing more than a bit of Victim Drama Queen playacting, probably because there was a deadline in his future and needed to turn something it to the birdcage liner printing company.

And I am not saying there are no Gay Hater Assholes in Tennessee, the Good Lord know they are everywhere including in Gay havens like Colorado Springs which he also mentions as an excuse to editorialize from a faux position of higher morality. If you are truly in fear for your safety and you a license plate inscription is the solution to curtail such fears, you are a bigger idiot than the usual. You live in the Great State of Tennessee, patron Saint of all Things Shooting and Constitutional Carry.  Arm yourself and defend your beliefs.

Armed Gays do not get bashed. 



Worth the read

I do way to much reading on my phone. I have kindle there, I have my news feeds there, I have my mailing lists there. What I don’t do is write articles from my phone. You think my grammar and spelling are bad when I use a keyboard? It is much worse when I try and write anything over a few words on my phone.

Sometimes I read the headline and dump the article into keep.google.com, sometimes it is just a few paragraphs and sometimes it is the entire article.

Because the media is so bent I’ve come to expect a certain level of biases in my feeds. For every positive article on guns, gun ownership, or gun policy I’ll have a dozen that tell me how evil I am for wanting to own a gun.

We saw the video of the mom protecting her child from a trash panda. I don’t want to be sticking my hands anywhere near a wild animals mouth and I certainly don’t want to spend the money to “Racoon proof” my chicken and garbage cans. It only took a few rounds before the threat was neutralized.

I’ve held a rifle in my hands as a bear took out a beehive not 200 meters from me, ready to protect family and friends and livestock. I’ve had a gun at the ready when an ex-boyfriend raged and yelled at my lady. He didn’t understand how close he was to death. If he was walking that line of “is deadly force needed” and never knew it.

Regardless, I expect anti-gun reterich everytime I read an article about gun control.

What continues to be indisputable is that our nation needs constructive, ideologically-free dialogues on reducing gun violence. Leadership from the judicial, law enforcement and medical communities are key players that must contribute to this discussion. Politician have demonstrated their impotence to make any positive headway on the issue.

Yep, another request for “reasoned dialog”. I.e. a place where anything that is added to the conversation regarding banning gun or gun ownership is allowed but anything that supports the right to keep and bear arms is deleted…

Except this isn’t that article. I had to go nearly to the end of the article to pull that blockquote out of context. Sheldon H. Jacobson, Ph.D. is actually having a conversation.

Banning assault weapons may be a good idea for their potential to inflict harm. Such a ban may also have other societal benefits that would justify it. However, arguing for a ban based solely on existing population risk reduction benefits extracted from the data appears to be more about political posturing than data-driven evidence-based analysis. 

Assuming (incorrectly) that all mass murders involved assault weapons, and assuming that all the associated deaths and injuries could have been avoided, this amounts to around 650 deaths over the past four years (2018-2021), fewer than the number of people who will die with or from COVID-19 over any two days this week.

What this data indicate is that an assault weapon ban carries with it a very small reduction in population risk. The issue up for debate is whether this reduction is sufficient to warrant banning them.

Give the full article a read, Sheldon seems to be somebody that things that an AWB is an over all good but can’t support it with the facts at hand.

What the data actually say about assault weapons

Regardless of her points on data driven bans of firearms, in the end it doesn’t matter. The lethality of a firearm nor its use by criminals does not make such a ban constitutional.

Guess what?

If the crud I had yesterday was Covid, it was just another 24-hour cold. A bit of fever that broke with a dose of Aleve, runny nose and a constant cough that made my hernia come out a play nasty enough to send me to the ER thinking the effing thing was strangulated.
Now, I doubt that sickness was the Kung Flu because the Missus was also under the weather, and she tested negative and so did her mom who had a bit of the sniffles.

And as where I got it: At work, probably. I won’t divulge the name of the location, but we do see cases more often than other places.

Oh well.



Read the country you are in.

For people who pride themselves in “understanding and accepting” other cultures, I can’t stop being amazed at how stupid these Liberal idiots can be. You are in another country which has an aversion to anything gay and will effing kill homosexuals like they were buying a falafel, but somehow you believe you will be exempt from those consequences or even worse, you think people in other countries behave the same as the people at home and you will be defended.

And then you are dead.