

Illinois residents, get your CCW before Jan 1

This is from last year:


Well, 2023 is just around the corner and this graphic just hit my feed:


We have seen all this year what no-cash bail has done to NY and California, and now it’s coming to Illinois and includes no-cash bail for robbery, kidnapping, and murder.

Just the other day I wrote a post about a kidnapper let out early in Memphis who kidnapped and murdered a woman.

Illinois won’t even detain kidnappers.

That state just legalized violent crime.

Arm yourself before it’s too late.


Aleatory Ruminations for 9/9/2022

I am plum tired today. I already did my gym stuff, some research work and gonna get my ass back in bed where I will watch Youtube videos and snack on Poppables (Those suckers are addictive!)

Later I may get up and clean guns, may reload some ammo and figure out what to have for lunch/ and supper with the missus.

So you all get funny pics and the right to call me lazy ass.

You better understand the reference!





The Knockout Game: It was bound to happen.

We may see a drop in the number of incidents after this.



What happens when a metallurgist weapon engineer reads fantasy

At Miguel’s insistence suggestion I started the Monster Hunter International book series.

I’m doing them on Audible as I pack and work around the house to get it ready to sell it.

I know, it seems like something I should have stared long ago, but in my defense, I’m much more of a hard core science fiction person and am wary of fantasy.

I’m enjoying them immensely and am now into Monster Hunter Alpha, the third book, in as many weeks.

It is clear that Larry Correia is an absolute fucking gun nut and knows his shit.

At the same time, I am who I am and I cannot deny my nature.

And my nature is a metallurgist and weapons engineer.

“Better killing through metallurgy” is on my business card.

And I realize I can save MHI both a shitload of money on ammunition and improve the terminal performance of their ammunition.

Have I mentioned that this is exactly what I do for a living in the real world?


Silver kills monsters and the undead.

MHI uses a silver ball inserted into the top of a JHP, as Correia himself states, a ripoff of the Corbon Power Ball.

Again, a testament to his gun guy credentials to write about a relatively obscure round of ammo.

So assume a silver ball the size of a BB (0.177 in).

A standard BB is mild steel and weighs 5 grains.  A silver BB of the same diameter would be 7 grains.  That would be 62 silver BBs per ounce of silver at $20 per ounce.  Two mags full from an MHI H&K UMP45 is $20 in raw silver alone.

And the silver would only have the contact surface area of a BB which is 0.092 in².

Silver plates wonderfully well on copper.  Copper is actually used as a silver plate substrate.  So if you have a silver belt buckle, its steel plated with nickel, then plated with copper, then plated with silver.

Let’s assume that MHI loads their own ammo because they use custom bullets.

Silver playing isn’t that hard to do.  Lots of small scale knife makers and jewelry makers do it all the time.

Some silver nitrate and a DC power source and you’re set.

So what I would do is start with an all copper bullet like the Barnes Tac-X and do an electrolytic silver plate before loading.

A few microns of silver would be less than a grain per bullet and would make the silver surface area the total area of the expanded hollowpoint.  More contact surface area, more terminal performance.

The silver will survive the trip down the barrel.  The copper plating on plated lead bullets does, the bullet wouldn’t be any good if it didn’t.

So what you have is a 85% reduction in silver costs and radically increased terminal performance.  The same two mags from a UMP45 would have $3 worth of silver in them and still be more effective.

It also adds diversity to ammo choices as any copper bullet of any caliber could be washed in silver.

(A thin electrolytic plate is known as a wash)

Hell, they could buy regular FMJ and do a silver wash.  Silver plated fragments from 5.56 would be highly effective as well.

I know, I know, it’s a fantasy book.

But I can’t help it.  I’m very fucking good at my job.


Whatever you do, don’t call them groomers


From the article in the Tweet:

A California teacher in the Capistrano school district posted about a “queer library” in her classroom that was filled with over 100 books – some of which contained sex imagery, information on orgies, sex parties and BDSM.

The teacher at San Juan Hills High School, Flint, posted repeatedly on TikTok about books in the “queer library” and said it was available to students and has been active for five years.

“Everything you Ever Wanted to Know About Being Trans…” discusses BDSM, fetishes and a kink social media networking site.

“I find the BDSM/kink community to be extremely open-minded and welcoming in every way; it’s a place of sexual liberation,” the book states. “There is often more blanket level of acceptance of transgender people within the kink/BDSM (bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, sadism and masochism) scenes and sites such as FetLife.”

FetLife is a social media networking site for the “kink community.”

Another book, called “This Book is Gay,” discusses the casual hookup site “Grindr” and includes detailed information on how to have anal and “girl on girl” sex.

“We all want to have sex with loads of people,” the book states. “[T]he prostate gland… feels amazing when massaged. Lots of men, gay or straight, like how this feels.”

That’s enough.

This us absolutely grooming 101.

This person is a groomer.

Under no circumstances should a teacher only a few years older than the students themselves bring this into the classroom.

But you and I are the bad guys for saying that.

‘Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action’

There have been enough if these to recognize that this is enemy action from a ideology that has an agenda of grooming children.

Memphis is why you didn’t let dangerous criminals out of prison

In the matter of only a few days Memphis has seen two high profile murders from released criminals.

Eliza Fletchers ‘killer’ could face the DEATH PENALTY as he’s charged with first-degree murder of billionaire heiress and is refused bail

A convicted felon could face the death penalty after being charged with murdering mother-of-two Eliza Fletcher after ‘violently’ forcing her into an SUV.

Cleotha Abston-Henderson, 38, is accused of killing elementary school teacher Fletcher, 34, after bundling her into his car on Friday – with prosecutors confirming the pair had never met before.

When asked whether Abston-Henderson should have been released early after spending 22 years in prison for kidnapping a lawyer, Mulroy said: ‘It’s easy to talk about things 20202 hindsight.

‘In this particular case clearly, he shouldn’t have been on the street. Our office opposed parole at the time and in hindsight the parole decision was a tragic one.

When asked by DailyMail.com if Fletcher was sexually assaulted, the DA refused to answer.

It comes after court documents reveal that he was previously convicted of raping a man when he was a teenager.

He was detained 16 times from October 1995 to May 2000 for rape, aggravated assault and unlawful possession of a weapon.

Abston-Henderson was previously jailed for 22 years after kidnapping a lawyer in Memphis in 2000, driving him around at gunpoint.

A career criminal, kidnapper, and rapist was released from prison only to kidnap (and probably rape, details were not released but Fletchers’ shorts were found in a trash bag away from her body) again.

Then only a few days later…

What we know about Ezekiel Kelly, suspect in Memphis mass shooting

A shooting rampage across Memphis came to an end Wednesday night at 9:20 when Memphis Police took 19-year-old Ezekiel Dejuan Kelly into custody.

On social media, where he allegedly live-streamed one of the killings, he went by various spellings of the name Zeek Huncho.

Shelby County court records revealed authorities quickly filed a warrant for first-degree murder for Kelly on Wednesday as the search for him continued in the city.

Court records also showed more about the teen’s background: He faced four felony charges, including two counts of attempted murder, one count of reckless endangerment and one count of possession of a firearm in 2020 at the age of 17.

Sources told WREG he pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of aggravated assault in the case in 2021. He got three years in that case, but was already out of jail.

Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland said Kelly had been released from jail March 16 after serving 11 months of a three-year sentence for an aggravated assault plea.

Now we know how he turned out.

Soft on crime policies lead to recivist criminals.

People like this cannot be returned to society without causing problems.

The cruelty isn’t to the criminals but to the people that are hurt by them.



The incompetentocracy continues unabated

I have written about the lack of traditional qualifications of Secretary Buttigieg, Assistant Secretary Sam Brinton, and Admiral Rachel Levine before.

If you thought that the Biden Administration was done hiring people like this, you were mistaken.

The Biden Administration’s White House National Monkeypox Response Coordinator is Dr. Demetre Daskalakis.

This is what happens when you Google Demetre Daskalakis.


To be fair, that last image is him as an instructor at a goth fetish cycle dungeon.  So at least he meets one criteria for a public health expert, he’s in good physical condition and not some fat piece of shit.

And giving credit where it’s due, Daskalakis id the Deputy Commissioner at New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

But the rest of the pictures makes me wonder if by Monkeypox Coordinator it’s his job to coordinate the spread of Monkeypox.

The saddest part of this is: after Admiral COVID Tranny and Secretary Non-binary Cross Dressing Pup Fucker, Monkeypox Coordinator Leather Daddy is mild and boring.

I’m now convinced more than ever that the reason I haven’t been hired by NASA or the DOD as an engineer is that if you Google my name, you won’t fine pictures of me engaged in gender bending sexual debauchery.