

Head trauma in slow motion

Miguel sent me this video.

I do not know if the guy lived or died.

The important point is how he fell.


Notice how the first part of his body to strike the ground was his forehead.

At least a third of his body weight driving his head into concrete from almost full height.

This is what causes skull fractures, traumatic brain injuries, coma, and death.

This is what makes a knockout punch so dangerous.

Rules For Thee, Not For Me: Lori Lightfoot version

Mayor Lori Lightfoot answering reporter’s questions

Language is so neat. You can say so many things without saying them by just picking the right words with the right connotations. You didn’t actually say that a person is a moron that looks like she escaped from the set of Beetlejuice because that would be an insult to morons and beatles.

In the 70’s and 80’s the term was “illegal alien” and it meant an alien person that was in the country illegally. The left wanted more people to vote democrat so the wanted more immigrants from third world countries. Senator Ted Kennedy (IIRC) pushed strongly for this.

There still wasn’t enough coming in through legal immigration but there as a flow that was entering the country illegally and their children were US citizens. And they would vote (Democrat?) when they came of age.

It was so down right mean to call somebody illegal so they became “undocumented aliens” and then “undocumented workers” and the migrants.

We are now starting to see the emergence of the term “illegal migrants” coming from the mouths and pens of the left.

This seems to be because of the horrible gamesmanship that Gov. Abbott is partaking in. You see, he’s asking illegal aliens if they want a free bus ride to DC, NYC and now Chicago.

According to Mayor Eric Adams of NYC the 3000 or so illegal aliens that Abbott had bussed to NYC has overwhelmed their social safety net. It is a humanitarian crisis that was manufactured by the heartless Texas Governor. At the very least Texas should inform NYC when they send a bus north, so that NYC can deal with it.

No mention about the 100s of small towns and cities on the southern border that see 1000s of illegal aliens per day. No mention of the illegal aliens being flown to different parts of the country and then sent out in busses. Maybe that doesn’t count.

Mayor Muriel Bowser of DC is saying some of the same things. It is just horrible that Texas would forcibly ship these poor helpless people to DC. It is inhuman to bus them to DC. DC just isn’t equipped to handle the 100s of illegal aliens showing up every week.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago had her name invoked three times by a reporter and she appeared with a soft bang and a cloud of smoke.

“My frustration comes from the actions of the governor of Texas,” she said at a press conference. “There could be a level of coordination and cooperation, but he chooses to do none of those things. Instead, he chooses to send human beings across the country to an uncertain destination. That’s unacceptable.”

He is manufacturing a human crisis and it makes no sense to me

Mayor Lori Lightfoot lashes out at Texas Gov. Abbott after 50 more migrants are bussed to Chicago

NYC is super safe…

Earlier today, Miguel mocked New York City for taking Nerf guns off the streets like they busted an MS-13 gun running operation.

While the NYPD was busy going to town sucking their own dick over some gun shaped children’s toys, this was actually happening:


According to the NY Post, the robbery took place at 4:40 in the afternoon on Saturday.  The victim had $20,000 in cash stolen.  The Mercedes (the black car) was stolen.  No arrests were made.

There we have it.

Own in Nerf gun and the NPYD will fuck your life up because of it and bask in their own glory for it.

Engage in an armed robbery and car chase and the NYPD has all their thumbs up their collective asshole.

Another J.Kb Administration policy


Under my administration, all “health officials” will be required to pass a PT test. If you can’t do at least 50 push-ups, you shouldn’t be managing people’s health.

“Your Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services for Health is a personal trainer who owns a gym.”

“And he’s fucking ripped. Clearly he knows more about keeping people healthy than the pudgy fuck he replaced.”

Tuesday Tunes

1570 James Stewart, 1908 King Carlos I of Portugal, 1919 General Emiliano Zapata, 1963 John F. Kennedy, 1968 Martin Luther King Jr., 2003 Zoran Đinđić were all assassinated. Other than some coups these are the very few that were assassinated with rifles.

Yet this is the thing that terrifies security details. It is the thing that TV and movie plots are made of. The lone gunman in his perch taking that multi yard shot from outside the parameter and killing their principal.

A good sniper is almost impossible to spot prior to the shot and is often not seen after the shot. The gun barrel pushed out the window advertising the location should never happen. A real sniper knows that it is patience that is his strength.

This country is full of men and women that have rifles perfectly capable of taking a deer at 500 yards. There are people that are capable of long distance shooting where they hit targets at well over 500 yards. The M-16 with a 20 inch barrel is perfectly capable of putting rounds on a man size target at 500 yards with iron sights.

In 1966 some asshole climbed the University Texas clock tower with multiple rifles and started shooting at people. He shot for 96 minutes, killed 15 people and injured 31 people. Civilians and police rushed to take him out. Civilians with rifles in their cars started returning fire to try and prevent the asshole from shooting as the police rushed up the tower to finally take out the shooter.

Unlike the cowards of Uvalde, these men rushed to the sound of gun fire.
