

Miguel’s Hit and Run: The FBI inspiring Islamic attacks inside the US? Perish the thought!

Well, ain’t that a charming concept?

Thank God all influences of J. Edgar Hoover were removed, or we would not have this pristine and honest federal agency making sure Americans are not under the threat of harm or death.

40 yard challenge: Dear God I need more Pew Pew Time

So I finally decided to test myself today and the first thing I find out is I only have a 30 yard space where I can safely shoot in my backyard. I set up a good old silhouette target and tested 2 sidearms: Gun 1 is my most trusted and has thousands of rounds through it in competition. It is one of my 2 carry choices.

Gun 2 is a recently built frankengun and this would be the second mag I put through it.  Ammo was some Turkish steel cased ball, 115 grs.

My first shot was at 30 yards unsupported. My second shot was 30 yards supported. The rest of the shots were advancing slowly and shooting. A couple of shots I paused and stopped somewhere at 10 yards.

And the final nail in the coffin: I may have shot less than a box of 9mm in the last 3 months. I am so rusty, not even Naval Jelly and a brush wire can help me.

Here is target with Gun 1:


Gun 2:

Yes, I missed the first one.

I find funny that I can shoot “better” on the move. It must be all the years shooting IDPA.

Final analysis: I need serious range time. I suck.


My tinfoil hat is getting tight again

President Biden has declared monkeypox a national health emergency.

We know how and among what group of people it spreads: 98% among gay men who have multiple sex partners.

We have been told that it’s homophobic to tell gay men not to have orgies and casual sex hookups at this time.

San Francisco is still going forward with their infamous Folsom Street Fair, which is a big gay sex fest.

We are being forced to pretend that monkeypox is spreading equally across all groups of people in this country and that everyone has a likelihood of getting infected.

One would think that the Left wants the gays to spread monkeypox with this sort of approach.

I think they do.

Nobody not on the far Left gives a shit about COVID anymore.

Biden won because of election fuckery related to emergency COVID measures.

I believe they are encouraging a monkeypox outbreak to use emergency measures to affect the midterm election and minimize their losses.

Or maybe my tinfoil hat is too tight.

AAR: Bravobelt Athletic Performance Holster. 8 months later.

You may remember this post from back last December: Review: Bravobelt Athletic Performance Holster. – Gun Free Zone

It is 8 months later and time to pass sentence: It has held beautifully.

I have been using it an average of 4 days a week for 2 hours split in 30 minutes of driving and about an hour and a half of moderate to elevated physical movement. Not once I felt like the weapon or any of the other items I was carrying was at risk of dislodging and falling at the worst possible occasion or any occasion for that matter.

As concealment goes, with the proper attire, nobody even gives you a second glance, especially when you get used to wear in and forget it is there (Yes, that comfy.)

Brand New.


Eight months of use.

And yes, it is still comfortable to wear and yes, the advice given in the old post about reholstering is still very much valid. I will continue to use my Bravobelt till it dies of over use and then buy another one. This time I will get me a couple of extra pouches: one for another magazine and one for the social working knife.

If you are looking for an alternative mode of wearing deeply concealed, I have no problem telling you to give this one a chance.


Aleatory Ruminations for 8/5/22

I need to carry a notebook again. I had a bunch of little quips and bits for this page I thought I memorized, but by brain decided that it did not need to keep them handy and dumped them somewhere between watching TV and a visit to the john.

I read comments from pundits on TV and other media that people did not care about Brittney Griner found guilty because she is an anti-American black lesbian… which is exactly the only reason they care about her situation and not because it is inherently unjust.
Once again, the advocating of a Two-Tiered Justice System for the politically approved against the Little People does not seem to be unfair to those who lie for a living.


We all need this t-shirt.

CDC expected to ease Covid-19 recommendations, including for schools, as soon as this week – CNN

So, they are going to recommend doing a light version of what Florida has been doing for a year and a half.

I have the strange feeling that the multiple COVID positives and disappearance isolation of the Pederast In Chief might be the precursor of a Leadership Retirement a la Soviet. The only reason it has not happened is because even the Democrats are scared shitless of the successors and the fuck up it may create.

Yesterday was the first election since I became a citizen in which I did not vote. Truth be told, I am still unable to make sense of Tennessee and Rutherford County politics. You cannot get political info anywhere other than the latest ass kissing for the Democrats in Nashville to which I could not give a care.

Let’s see if there is more info for the general elections in November. But just in case, if it has a “D” attached to the name, it is not getting my vote.

Admit it, you have done it also.

It has been said that Church is barely above College Football in the South. I thought it was a sheer exaggeration, but it is not. And I would add that pretty much all sports give the Lord a run for the attention of the people. Seriously, not even soccer fans during World Cop are this frigging dedicated and fervorous.

It can be a bit scary.

And to close this post, my inner 12-year-old has a meme for you.

I’d like your support

I lost my job today.

I’m upset but having mixed emotions.

It’s been a rough year.  The job turned out very differently from what I was told it would be like during my interview and I’ve been unhappy with it for the last year.

Last week, out of the blue I was inspired to look for a job online for something I really want and something I’m very good at, and lo and behold it was there.  I put in my application and heard back right away.

I had the interview on Monday and am scheduled to have my follow-up interview next week.

This is a job I did before and loved and would give anything to do again with a different company.

The thing I’ve been wrestling with is that I hate moving and was not wanting to relocate.

So I’m going to take this as a sign from the universe that I need to relocate.

I rarely ask for anything but I’m going to ask for your thoughts and prayers.

That this is not going to be a long stretch of unemployment, that I will get the job, and that this is just the turning of a page to a much happier chapter in my life.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Project Much? The Fear of Red States

A followup on J.Kb’s True story about Alabama and the North East

Southern Hospitality

Different areas have different cultures, this is very true. While most of the world will poke fun a Texans, I would much rather interact with a full of themselves Texan than somebody from NY.

When I say “interactions” I’m not talking about friends from NYC as such, but those random strangers that you run into and have to deal with.

If I see a car with New York plates I expect a certain type of driving from them and allow for it. Same with a few other states.

Fortunately for all of us, we don’t wear our license plates on our backs. We just have to interact with each other.

Most people have a level of pride in where they live. This doesn’t include the transplant that is always complaining about how it was better wherever it was they came from, this is the people that live where they live because they want to.

This is how you end up with “The Big Apple” and how every person from NYC seems to believe it is the greatest city ever. The people of San Francisco are proud of their city and or state. You can see this in “school pride” where just because you went to a particular university or high school you are proud of that institution.

Say “Go Trojans” and everybody knows. “I’m a Packer Backer” and everybody knows. This is human.

The problem with attitudes is how people deal when they are not in their territory. The Texan that advertises with a $200 to $500 Stetson hat. The NYC person does it with their “big apple” attire.

But it is when people open their mouths that you find the difference.

“Everything is bigger in Texas” or “It is better in Texas” comes across as crass to the person that knows that theirs is better.

The alternative statement is “your _____ is shit”.

That is the big difference. Somebody from the south is likely to say “Ours is better.” while somebody from these entitled liberal bastion are more likely to say that yours is bad. There is such a huge difference in perception of “ours is better” vs. “yours is bad”. People take offense from those sorts of words.

Those elites have a horrible habit of looking down at everybody that isn’t part of their clique. It doesn’t matter if you are in their territory or they are in yours.

Most cops I’ve interacted with have been polite and helpful within the limits of what the interaction is about. My one interaction with a NYC cop was an example of that “You’re not a NYC person so you’re garbage.” I was on my bike, I asked for directions to a restaurant. The restaurant was actually just down the alley from where we were. You could see it. I didn’t.

The cop was not happy to have somebody talk to him. He heard the request and gave me directions. I thanked him and rode off following his directions. And almost ended up taking the Holland Tunnel right off the island.

Came back around and on the fifth attempt finally found the restaurant. That is the attitude I expect of people that think they are elites.

What this means is that people that have this sort of city elite attitude push it when they are in other states. They are often loud, out, and proud. Not talking about just sexual orientation. You see this in bumper stickers and other car stickers. People on the left will often decorate their vehicles with all their stances. Baby murder stickers. Anti-Trump stickers. Gun Free Zone stickers. coexist stickers. They are all out there. They are never really afraid that somebody is going to react in a physical way to these statements, in their own enclaves.

They know exactly how they think of those low life deplorables those knuckles drag when they walk. They know how they would act if one of “those people” were to dare to enter, no invade, their enclave. They expect the same response when they go elsewhere.

If they would be willing to do evil to somebody because of their stance on a political position, they expect others to do the same to them. The project their actions onto others and are fearful.

It reminds me of the Trump yard signs in the town just north of me. They are a very elite leftist town. The people that put out Trump yard signs were reporting them vandalized or stolen constantly. The police didn’t really do anything. The news media played a tiny violin for those yucky tRumptsters. It wasn’t a big deal.

Then people put out some BLM signs. A few, a very few, were knocked over. The police immediately released a press statement about how hate doesn’t belong int eh community and that they would find the horrible evil people that were vandalizing signs.

The funny thing was one person that reported that they had had more Trump signs vandalized or stolen himself than all the reported vandalism of BLM signs combined.

This is the problem. They know that they would do it. Thus they expect others to do it to them.

I never fear travel in urban and rural areas. I’m going to be polite and most of the time the people around me are polite right back. I worry about moving through cities. There seems to be much more violence in those areas. It is very hard to find confirmed reports of people being attacked because they were “leftists” or “progressives” or such.

This person would have no problems traveling in the southlands if she kept her opinions to herself. The problem she has is that she doesn’t have the self control to keep her mouth shut. So she will say offensive things to strangers and then confirm her biases when they don’t just roll over and take it.