

Democrats can’t stand losing

For years we had to put up with the Supreme court handing down decisions based on what outcome the left wanted. The court was stacked heavily to the left. The great legal minds of the left on the court were looking for ways to modify the law in order to get the outcome they wanted.

You can see this in the disent on Bruen. The disent spends page after page telling us why guns are bad and how horrible it is that people die from gunshots. When they finally get around to arguing on the basis of the law, the major point is that there wasn’t evidence.

There was evidence, the evidence was given directly to the court during oral arguments.

In addition to the left leaning justices, we had justices that would do their best to do the least. Roberts works unendingly to make sure that decisions on the right are as limited in scope as possible. Read about how he was working to limit the scope of Dobbs if you want an idea of the sort of effort he puts in.

Even when he joins in an opinion he is likely to attempt to limit the scope of the decision.

The best of the left leaning justices was Ruth. While I didn’t like her decisions, she worked hard to find law to support her opinions. Kagan is out there telling the world that the court will be delegitimized if they don’t make the decisions she wants.

Having spent years owning the court, the left is now having a fit over no longer owning the court. People that were perfectly happy when the court was 6-3 left are now screaming that 6-3 right is stacked. Rules For Thee, Not For Me.

In response the left threatened to pack the court. To add so many justices to the court that it would be generations before it could be turned conservative again. There was talk of adding as many as 9 new justices, all to be appointed right now.

Court packing isn’t making any headway. It didn’t happen the last time a Democrat in office tried it. It is dead in the water today.

So of course the Democrats have to change the rules. Just like the killed the filibuster for court appointments when Obama was in office, as soon as they lost the Senate they wanted the filibuster back. When the Republicans killed the filibuster for Supreme court appointments, the left lost their minds.

Today’s latest rule change? Term limits on all justices.

The bill, 2021-2022 H.R. 8500 “Supreme Court Tenure Establishment and Retirement Modernization Act of 2022”

This bill has been introduced but there is no official text at The Library of Congress, it is only available at the congressman’s site: To amend title 28, United States Code, to provide for the duration of active service of justices of the Supreme Court, and for other purposes

The bill would limit the term of each justice to 18 years. In the first and third year of each president’s term, they would appoint one new justice. The longest serving justice would then be “retired”.

This means that a two term president would be able to appoint 4 new justices.

All of this to avoid having the constitution read as written and not some magic 8-ball that always gives the answer a left leaning justice wants.

It should be legal to yeet people like this



I absolutely know that it is a crime to use lethal force to defend property.

I’m saying when I see videos like the one above, or videos of people looting a drug store,  come to believe that society was gone too far in one direction.  Only an equally extreme shove will push the pendulum back to normal.

Since police and prosecutors are not dealing with this, the law should allow witnesses to use violent and potentially deadly force to stop property theft.

Watch someone smash windows to steal stuff out of a car, you should be justified in smashing their head in.

Ultimately, curbing bad behavior requires people to fear the consequences.  That is the job of the judicial system, to be the consequences.  The judicial system has failed to put the duty of delivering consequences in the hands of the people.

At least until this nation rights itself, then we can reevaluate.

2022-2021 H.R. 1808 AWB plus

There are a number of articles out there covering this bill. It is a kitchen sink type of bill. Given everything that is in it, almost any center fire semi-auto firearm could be banned under it.

The one that covers most of the important parts and is a quick read is AWB 2022, the way I read it over at Divemedics blog.

A few of the 2A YouTubers have mentioned and my feeds confirm, that the main stream media is claiming that this bill is dead in the Senate.

No. It is not. The Senate already passed one gun control bill this session, there are just to many Republicans that can not be trusted. Make the calls to your Senators, make sure that they know how you feel. Yes, your Senators are Democratic anti-gun rights people, call anyway. There were four Democrats that voted NO on H.R. 1808.

The thing to realize is that these Senators and Representatives are not listening to arguments because Republicans and Democrats are talking pass each other.

A Republican gets up and says “This will do nothing to stop mass shootings.” In response a Democrat gets up and says “The AWB or 1994 stopped mass shootings!” They talk about what experts predict. We talk about what is happening. They talk about saving the children. We talk about how it is unconstitutional on its face.

This is a fight that is not going to stop.

But here is the kicker, H.R. 1808 isn’t the bad one. It is just the obvious one. This is the one that gets everybody all worked up. This is the one that gets us burning up the phone lines and emailing like mad.

H.R. 2814 is the bad one.

Here it is:


To repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, and provide for the discoverability and admissibility of gun trace information in civil proceedings.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

SECTION 1. Short title.

This Act may be cited as the “Equal Access to Justice for Victims of Gun Violence Act of 2022”.

SEC. 2. Repeal of certain provisions of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.

Sections 2 through 4 of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (15 U.S.C. 7901–7903) are repealed.

SEC. 3. Discoverability and admissibility of gun trace information in civil proceedings.

The contents of the Firearms Trace System database maintained by the National Trace Center of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives shall not be immune from legal process, shall be subject to subpoena or other discovery, shall be admissible as evidence, and may be used, relied on, or disclosed in any manner, and testimony or other evidence may be permitted based on the data, on the same basis as other information, in a civil action in any State (including the District of Columbia) or Federal court or in an administrative proceeding.

This bill will allow anybody selling or manufacturing firearms to be sued. It doesn’t mean that the person suing will win, but it costs money to defend against lawsuits. This will extend to people selling or manufacturing parts as well.

So while you are calling your Senators, call your Representative as well and tell them to vote NO on H.R. 2814

What is your preferred style?
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Miguel’s Hit and Run: England is the testbed of future US Law Enforcement

And then the official “oopsie, our bad!”

A retraction, but you can bet it will be reworked so it looks less legally stupid and more palatable to the minions.

And, of course, it will be served here in the US with fries and Ranch dressing on the side.

Gavin Newsom Hopes CA Will Be Epicenter of Wind Energy

In a message that absolutely tells you how off the rails California Governor Gavin Newsom is, he is planning to make California “carbon neutral” by 2045. All by harnessing the power of the wind.

The stated goal is to create 20 gigawatts per year via wind.

This is the state that has to buy power from other states. It is taking water from the Colorado River to keep its population and crops alive, that doesn’t have enough power generating stations now and they think that wind will be the answer.

Texas has a boat load of wind power. Unfortunately when it gets really hot the winds stop blowing, just when everybody wants to turn on the AC.

Of course the plan is unlikely to account for the vast increase in electric vehicles. Many states are already asking EV owners to only charge their cars during particular times of day, in order to avoid rolling brown/black outs.

You just know that this is going to cost Billions of dollars and it will come from tax payers. And the odds of it actually achieving anywhere near the goals stated are near zero.

Governor Newsom Calls for Bold Actions to Move Faster Toward Climate Goals