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Small Victories: Mississippi BoE Removes Ban on Guns in K-12 Schools

Mississippi Board of Education votes to remove ban on guns in K-12 schools

If you read Divemedics blog you can read about how the Florida Guardian Program hasn’t been a great success. The gist is that while the state made it legal for teachers and staff to be armed within the schools, the “needs permission” of the local sheriffs and school board and and and meant that in the end only a very few “special” people got permission to carry.

Run of the mill teachers did not. I believe that his final analysis said no teachers are part of the Guardian Program.

Under Mississippi state law CCW holders should be allowed to carry on school property. The state Board of Education didn’t see it that way and banned guns in K-12 schools. This has now be reversed.

Of course there is a gotcha, this ALLOWS local school districts to allow CCW holders to carry on school campuses, but it doesn’t REQUIRE them to do so. I strongly suspect that this will turn into another victory in words but not deeds. This has been 11 years in coming.

The infringers are at it, telling us that “Teachers are just as likely as anyone to cause violence in the classroom”, “…Teachers might not be trained enough…”, “you don’t know how your fight or flight is going to react, and that’s going to cause more problems than it [solves]”.

Finally, this is the State DoE issuing this statement. Before it is implemented the State Board has to take action to allow guns in schools.

The repetitive bleating of the anti-gun people that it will be worse if a teacher has a gun and is able to effectively fight back against an armed shooter is tiring. Nothing in the statistics says that a teacher with a CCW is going to lose their mind and start killing students. Why do these people always believe that a gun is going to turn somebody into a murdering asshole?

Miguel’s Hit and Run: A Miami Herald editorial that did not age well.

If anything, it is a reminder that we were and still are in war of attrition and there is no time limit, not it is a game of instant gratification or else.  We have made tremendous advances and we must keep doing so without demanding unreachable goals at this time. And for the love of God, just because we got a huge success with Bruen does not mean we are all set and do not need to change state laws. Never forget Roe v. Wade’s reversal and how they liberals are losing their mind because they never cared to assert it in the local laws and states constitutions.

Never stop moving forward.

Democrats give the wink and nod to antisemitic political violence in NY governor’s election

Late last week, Lee Zeldin, one of two Jewish Republicans in Congress, was attacked during a campaign speech as he is running for governor against Kathy Hochul.

The attack was caught on video.


Most of the media has ignored this.

Those that have acknowledged it have done so to mock Zeldin and Republicans because the attacker used a novelty self defense keychain as his weapon of choice.


This is more of a weapon than any of the January 6th rioters had.

But this is just more of the Left’s dimmer approach to violence.

See, it really isn’t a big deal because it wasn’t a lethal weapons.  Really it’s the Right that’s the bad guy here for freaking out over some low level political violence.   When a person on the Right gets attacked, they should just take their lumps with a keychain and stop being babies about it. (End sarcasm)

Hochul’s anti-Zeldin ad just about begged for this to happen.


And when it was all over, Zeldin’s attacker was released without bail on his own recognizance.

In New York under Cuomo it was all but legal to beat up a Jew.

The Democrats have encouraged people to get pushy with Republicans.

Put those two together and of course trying at assault a Jewish Republican with a weapon isn’t punished in New York.

I could ask “what would happen if a Right winger attacked a Democrat during a speech” but we all know the answer and know that such a scenario wouldn’t happen in the first place.

The Left is testing what they can get away with later this year and in 2024.

I’m convinced this was a dress rehearsal for something worse.

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Taken for Wikipedia, Creative Commons

The .45-70 rifle cartridge, also known as the .45-70 Government and .45-70 Springfield, was developed at the U.S. Army's Springfield Armory for use in the Springfield Model 1873, which is known to collectors as the "Trapdoor Springfield." The new cartridge was a replacement for the stop-gap .50-70 Government . . .

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Orthodox Jews are fighting for gun rights in New York

An Orthodox Jewish gun club takes aim at NY Gov. Hochul’s new gun control package

In the heavily Orthodox hamlet of Monsey in upstate New York, a Jewish gun owner is threatening a lawsuit to block Gov. Kathy Hochul’s efforts to limit where guns can be carried.

Tzvi Waldman, who is Orthodox and the founder of the New York State Jewish Gun Club (NYS-JGC) in Rockland County, told the New York Jewish Week that he plans to fight Hochul’s gun legislation, calling it unconstitutional.

“What the governor did in New York State flies in the face against any logic,” Waldman said. “For a shul not to have the ability for people to carry arms is ridiculous.”

On July 1, after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a New York law tightly limiting who may carry a concealed weapon, Hochul signed legislation that bans people from carrying guns in places of business, including houses of worship, unless they put up a sign explicitly stating that guns are welcome there.

Waldman contends that by making places of business put up signs about guns, it is forcing them to declare their political identity. “People want to protect themselves,” he said. “This is not helping our political divisiveness. It’s just going to accelerate that in this country. It’s only going to cause more problems for businesses.”

Hochul’s bill was absolutely an act of malicious compliance that voided the SCOTUS decision.

I hope the New York State Jewish Gun Club wins for several reasons.

I support gun rights.

Also, Hochul is a Jew hater and Andrew Cuomo, who she succeeded as governor, was also a Jew hater who abused the Orthodox.  If any group in New York to kick the shit out of the governor, it’s the Orthodox community.

Among the majority of Jews who are not Orthodox, support for gun control is widespread. The Reform and Conservative movements, the network of Jewish federations and the non-denominational Jewish Council for Public Affairs have all passed resolutions in favor of tight gun safety laws.

This is a big fucking problem that I will never understand.

Gun control has never, not once, ever helped the Jewish community.  Yet the majority of the Jewish community hangs onto that idea.

This is one of the reasons I have a hard time finding a Synagogue.

I refuse to step into a Synagogue unless I’m packing.

For high holidays, I’m dressed like Noah MacManus in a Yarmakule.

But too many Synagogues have a “no guns allowed” sign on the door.  Might as well post a big fucking sign “these Jews won’t shoot back.”

The last few years have demonstrated just how much the Jewish community needs to protect itself.

Best of luck to the NY Jewish Gun Club.  I hope they kick Hochul’s ass in court.

I f**king hate this timeline

Girls snubbed by Sesame Place character ‘shattered’ amid racism allegations

One of the black children who was snubbed by a Sesame Place character is traumatized by the incident, the family’s lawyer said.

One of the young girls is reportedly isolating with their grandmother in an attempt to regain stability, B’Ivory LaMarr, the family’s attorney, told TMZ.

LaMarr said that both girls were overcome with emotion and incredibly upset that they were treated differently than the white child.

“Their hearts were completely shattered by a character,” said LaMarr in an interview with NBC10.

Words can’t describe the type of grief they are going through right now.”

LaMarr said that the move to isolate one of the girls with her grandmother is to help shield her from publicity in a safe environment. The family is also looking into getting the siblings into therapy to help them cope.

According to LaMarr, the family is considering filing a lawsuit against Sesame Place.

The girls were “traumatized.”

One is isolating with her grandmother.

They might have to go to therapy.

The family is considering a lawsuit.

What happened?  How terribly were these girls treated?

We have video:


Some minimum wage seasonal worker in a Muppet fur suit roasting in the summer sun waved the girls off.

We have no idea why.  We haven’t heard from the employee at all.

But sure as shit this is going to be the subject of a Congressional investigation.


We’re in a recession.

Inflation is at record levels.

We have an impending food shortage.

Congress has to investigate a parade character not giving two girls a hug.

I don’t know if it was racism or not that motivated this employee.

What I do know is that everything feels like a scam where any chance to air a public grievance and collect fame and fortune from it is used.