

NBC News reinforces my belief that Thomas Harris predicted the world today

Deadnaming is the moral sin against transpeople of using their birth (pre-transition) name.

I keep saying that the actual number of trans individuals, those who actually have gender dysphoria, is rather small.

Instead, most people who identify as transgender are like Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs.

What we have an overabundance of is emotionally damaged people with personality disorders who hate themselves and have glommed onto transgenderism as a way of rebooting themselves with the added benefit of victim status.

That’s why deadnaming is so “traumatic,” it reminds them of the person they were and hated and have tried to escape.

Apparently the UPenn swimmer was a medal winner in high school but not in college on the men’s team.  One transition later he’s not just a medal winner but a record breaker.  It doesn’t take much understanding of psychology to fathom why a young man who went from effortless winner to struggling loser would be full of self loathing and want to reinvent himself as a winner, especially a winner who cannot be criticized.

I’ll bring it back to the issue of transwomen lesbians.   To the man (pun intended), they were incels pre-transition.  A common refrain in the incel community is that the girls who reject the incels are lesbians.

It doesn’t take that much of a jump to get why incels who say the women who reject them are lesbians and are full of self loathing because they can’t get laid decide to transition and become lesbians themselves.  To prey on the women who rejected them as men.

To deadname these sexual predators exposes their incel past.

I have empathy for people with actual gender dysphoria who just want to function as normal individuals.

I have nothing but contempt for the people with personality disorders why use the trans social justice movement to manipulate society rather than fixing themselves.

A quick thought on Cowboy Bebop

The wife and I have been watching the Netflix live action remake of Cowboy Bebop, and to be honest, I’ve been enjoying it.

There is nothing about it, save one minor character, that feels Woke.

The visuals are great and John Cho does really good action sequences.

I know virtually nothing about the original Anime show and I’ve never seen it.

Apparently, according to the internet, my liking the Netflix remake makes me a bad person, and the show being canceled is a good thing.

I don’t enjoy Anime.  First, there are thematic and stylistic aspects of Anime that don’t appeal to me.  Many of those are definitely unique to Japanese culture.

Netflix doing it as an American live action softened those aspects and made it more watchable to my American sensibilities.

Second, I hate Anime fans.  To me, Anime fans rank just above pedophiles and just below furries.  Considering that some of the Japanese themes and styles tend towards pedophilia, you can see why I feel this way.

As someone who attended two small engineering colleges, I have a lot of familiarity with Anime fans and they definitely fall into the class of people who replace a personality with a Fandom.

The Anime fans were almost universally Weebs (Weeaboo) who are total weirdos.

So not just did Anime not appeal to me, Anime fans were a detestable group I wanted no association with.

So much so I was actually reticent to try the Netflix Cowboy Bebop until my wife watched a few episodes and told me to give it a chance.

So I did and I enjoyed it now those incel Weebs  pissed and moaned that the Netflix remake was not a faithful enough reproduction of their beloved Anime for them to watch while snuggling their waifu pillows in their parents basements surrounding by weeks worth of stinking empty Maruchan Ramen noodle cups and got it canceled.

All this does is make me hate Anime fans even more.


Tell me the vaccines are utterly f*cking worthless without telling me the vaccines are utterly f*cking worthless

So a young man with two doses and no symptoms can give COVID to and possibly kill an elderly person with three doses, and to prevent that must follow the same outdoors and masks protocols that were recommended before the vaccines became available.

There are only three logical conclusions here.

1) The vaccines are utterly fucking useless and provide absolute no benefits whatsoever.

2) This has nothing to do with stopping the spread of COVID or saving lives, and has everything with crushing every bit of happiness, familial relationships, and positive human interactions under the oppressive boot heel of totalitarian government.

3) Both 1 and 2.


‘Murica in London

Soak this in, British citizens waving Gadsden flags in front of the official residence of the Prime Minister.

I guess the English feel about their government today the way we did in 1776.

They might be 245 years late to the party but they are welcome anyway.

Too bad the English have long been deprived the right to keep and bear arms.

After real Americans take back our government in 2022 and 2024, we should liberate the UK and Australia.

I’d volunteer to go work war in defense of freedom of a society that has a pub on every corner.