

I’m invested in Dodge and Toyota

Not stocks, hard assets.

I have a Dodge Powerwagon with 27K miles and a Toyota Tundra with 56K miles that I’m sure are appreciating in value faster than my 401(k).

I was sent this picture, I hope it’s photo shopped because of it’s real it shows you just how absolutely fucked the car market is.

That is a 53% market adjustment.

Autoweek is reporting an average price increases in used cars of 32.7%.

Because it’s Biden’s goal to make everything worse, he just announced new fuel efficiency standards.

In a major step to fight climate change, the Biden administration is raising vehicle mileage standards to significantly reduce emissions of planet-warming greenhouse gases, reversing a Trump-era rollback that loosened fuel efficiency standards.

A final rule issued Monday would raise mileage standards starting in the 2023 model year, reaching a projected industry-wide target of 40 miles per gallon by 2026. The new standard is 25% higher than a rule finalized by the Trump administration last year and 5% higher than a proposal by the Environmental Protection Agency in August.

Every time fuel efficiency standards go up, so do prices.  The engineering that goes into vehicles increases at a rate that exceeds the normal rate of technology adoption as prices decrease.

Look at the new Toyota Tundra.  They got rid of the naturally aspirated V8.  They have gone to a turbo charged V6.  That is a more expensive engine with a lot more complicated moving parts made out of expensive alloys.  Plus all the R&D that went into the upgrades.  The price for a 2022 Tundra is also way up (MSRP without market adjustment).

So these mandates will drive up the cost of already ridiculously expensive cars.

For the Manhattan/DC elite they don’t care.

For everyone else who lives and works where public transportation and car service isn’t feasible, it’s a fucking financial disaster.

New cars will be the property of the wealthy elite and the rest of us will be holding onto decades old shit-boxes until they are dead because of the cost of a decent used car has become unaffordable.

Biden’s unconstitutional winter plan leak

We were told that Biden would announce on Tuesday his winter plan to combat Omicron.

We have leaked info.

Oh look, restrictions on interstate travel and government quarantine camps.

So Biden is announcing that we are going to become Australia.

Exactly like the Constitution expressly prohibits.

And booster requirements.  You thought you were “fully vaxxed.”  Not anymore, that goalpost was moved.

You want to to know why I believe civilians should be allowed to own rocket launchers?

Because when you get stopped at a checkpoint at the state line and the Fed Bois check to see that you’re up to date on your boosters, and if you’re not they drag you off to a quarantine camp for a 14 day hold and compulsory vaccination, you’re gonna wish you had a rocket launcher for that checkpoint.

Wreaths Across America: Stones River National Cemetery (Postscript)

On my way out of Stones River National Cemetery, I saw this headstone and smiled for the obvious reasons:

Click to enlarge.

But my brain quickly reminded me of a scene from the movie The Big Red One.”

“- Pvt. Johnson – 1st Squad: Would you look at how fast they put the names of all our guys who got killed?
– The Sergeant: That’s a World War One memorial.
– Pvt. Johnson – 1st Squad: But the name’s are the same.
– The Sergeant: They always are.”


Wreaths Across America: Stones River National Cemetery (AAR)

I went last Saturday as volunteer to help lay wreaths. It was a very nice and very sobering event. Plenty of people showed up, but only enough wreaths for perhaps 1/3 of the tombstones.  I gotta find out how to get more somehow for next year.

Here are some of the pictures I took.  Click to enlarge.

Volunteers heading to the graves.
Placing the wreaths. It came out to 3 to 5 per volunteer.
Teaching the next generation
Cadets rendering salute to the fallen.
All done.

I saved this photo for last. We were asked that as we laid the wreath, to say the name of the soldier out loud as show of respect to the individual we were honoring. The gentleman in the pictures was Vietnam Vet according to the cap he was wearing, and he not only said the name out loud, but talked to them as if they were known comrades. It was a moving scene to witness to say the least. And I guess after all he is indeed a comrade in arms across time.

I’ll be back next year.