

The stupidity of the Covid Theater of Horror

Our dear friend San Sorrentino was bitten in the face by a stray dog. So he got bandaged and sent to the ER where apparently he had one too many nostrils uncovered and had to be covered because of the Chink Flu.

Th level of sheer “medical” stupidity does defy the imagination.

We hope Sean is all right and recovers promptly. As for the dog…. Oh well.

Left leaning black woman puts a toe outside the line of the Leftist’s plantation, other Leftists attack her for it

Black women are the fastest growing demographic of gun owners for exactly the reasons Sherrie stated.  Crime is going up and they want to protect themselves.

Unfortunately, self reliance and gun ownership are not Democrat approved behaviors, so her fellow Leftist felt the need to remind her of her place as a helpless subject.


Woke mom discovers she is raising a future Stasi, biggest fear is that he’s not Woke enough

These people are the enemy.

From Slate:

I Found a Creepy List on My Son’s Laptop

My son, “Jack,” 14, has been maintaining a spreadsheet that tracks all of his classmate’s problematic actions. Jack has always had difficulty fitting in, but he is a compassionate and intelligent boy. We do not allow our children to have their own computers to prevent the risk of them being radicalized by alt-right websites, so our kids share a laptop that we monitor and control access to. We found an excel spreadsheet in Jack’s folder that listed the names of all of his classmates, as well as dates and descriptions of their problematic behavior. Some of the descriptions I saw include “has a mom who is a cop,” “no pronouns in insta bio,” “laughed at a fat joke,” “lists problematic show as one of their favorites,” “mimicked a foreign accent,” and “used cis-normative language.”

While I am pleased to see Jack taking an interest in his peers, I get a weird feeling about his spreadsheet. As much as I don’t condone the behaviors mentioned, it seems a bit creepy for him to be monitoring his classmates. I also wonder what he is trying to do with the document. Another concern is that we are white and some of the kids on the list are Black. Given the long history of white people policing Black existence, I question whether Jack is the right person to be taking on this task and whether it would be more appropriate coming from a BIPOC person.

We have asked Jack about the spreadsheet and he denies involvement, but we know that it couldn’t be anyone else. Am I right to be concerned about Jack’s list? I don’t know that it is the best way for him to engage with his peers and promote social justice. On the other hand, I am proud of how committed he is to this cause and I don’t want to stop him from bearing witness to injustices within his own community.


The things that got put on this list:“has a mom who is a cop,” “no pronouns in insta bio,” and “used cis-normative language.”

To be Woke, if your mom is a cop you must hate her and disavow her existence I guess?

You also must actively virtue signal your obsequiousness to the trans-actvist destruction of civility and the English language.

How dare other teenagers be normal.

That gets you put on a list.

And what’s mom’s biggest fear?  That as a white boy he put black people on his list.  A truly woke enforcer would know BIPOC individuals are not to suffer consequences for their actions because of historical and systemic oppression that they suffered.

This mom was do afraid of her son being suckered in by the Right that she turned him into a Stasi.

Understand that these people are your enemy.

They are out to destroy normal society.

This boy is 14 so maybe there is time to save him.

My first recommendation is a steady diet of Jordan Peterson and Marcus Aurelius.


The Administration is lying to you as hard as it can in the hopes that you won’t believe reality

First the White House Chief of Staff lying that inflation and supply chain problems are rich people problems:

Reality is crushing the Dollar Tree:

Next, here is the Press Secretary saying people are not noticing the price increases:

Reality is Americans are paying an average of $175 more per month and are feeling it acutely:

Things are going very badly for Biden right and and the Administration desperately trying to convince you it’s not.

I’ve never seen lying of this magnitude before.  I fear ever increasing crackdowns as people notice more and more how bad it is as the Administration tries harder and harder to cover it up.

How California is f**king the America supply chain right now

First this:

The SHIP Act would send boats back out to sea, preventing them from idling within 24 miles of the coast.

This puts ships way out in deep-water off the California coast.

Ships are not going to want to idle that far out and wait to come to port.

What you are going to see is ships idle off the coast of Asian countries and then traverse the pacific in hopes of arriving at port in time to dock.

This will only stretch the supply chain bottleneck.

But it gets worse.

I was reading and talking to people and some things were brought to my attention that I was unaware of.

CARB bans registration of trucks with engines older than 2010.  All trucks must be certified clean idle.

Moreover, California AB5 hit the independent owner/operator trucking industry hard, costing many of those truckers’ jobs as they were classified as illegal gig workers and forced to become employees or leave employees the state.

As a result there us both a truck and trucker shortage.  Owner/operators, the largest segment of the trucking industry, who also have a tendency to use older equipment, are effectively banned from hauling freight out of California ports.

So even if there were enough dock workers to unload the ships, there are not enough trucks and truckers to haul the unloaded containers away.

California state law has almost single handedly shut down the supply chain that runs into America from across the Pacific.

And you know this Administration and Buttigieg are not going to do anything to relieve the truck and trucker shortage in California.

California is fucking the rest of America to death.