

More Tennessee things done: Found out what a hollow looks like

Exiting the hollow

I heard the term “hollow” many times while watching Justified and even looked it up to see what it meant, but I did not understand the concept till yesterday when I went with a friend to look at some places in Northern Tennessee.

This was one of the houses in the area: Honest-to-God Old School log cabin, recently remodeled/rebuilt. The location is remote, gorgeous and quiet!  I was amazed at how far voices carry when there is not a constant hum of power lines and modern machinery cluttering the air.  Conversation being held 50 yards away or more, could be heard clearly which I figure is why mountain people are kinda reserved: Some stuff does not need to be heard by others.

Where I went was not off-grid as per survivalists dreams. They have basic services, so even a city boy like me would stay for a long while with too much hardship. But nothing is near, and that includes emergency services. Something happens to you, you better be ready to drive yourself or have somebody take you about 30 mins away to the closest medical unit. I guess you learn what and how much to buy and have so you don’t waste time going back and forth or do without if the weather turns.

It was not a bad place to be for the SHTF moment. Hell, they would need to find the way to get near the Zip Code first.

This is why I need to hit the Lotto and get me a place like that.

About the crisis about hospital being overwhelmed because of COVID

True in a way, but not what they want you to think.

LOWVILLE, New York (WWNY) – Lewis County General Hospital will stop delivering babies after September 24 because too many maternity unit workers have resigned over COVID vaccination mandates.

That’s according to Lewis County Health System Chief Executive Officer Gerald Cayer, who held a news conference Friday in Lowville.

He said 6 employees in the maternity unit resigned rather than get a COVID shot and another 7 are undecided.


Hospital to stop delivering babies as maternity workers resign over vaccine mandate (wwnytv.com)

Wait a week and we will see stories about this hospital shutting basic services because of COVID and the journo du Jour blaming it on the unvaccinated rednecks.

The script is now predictable.

Abimael Guzmán has become a good communist.

If there was a version of the bloody Khmer Rouge in Latin America, it was Shinning Path with this bloodthirsty psychopath at the helm. He died in prison, on a taxpayer’s bed which is something his victims never got to do.

Since I can’t find a photo of his corrupt dead body, I will cherish this other image from back after he was arrested and shown to the Media. Perhaps the best Perp Walk ever.

Caged like the animal he was.

Good riddance.

I gotta get them rifle skills.

I am painfully aware that my rifle skills are between zero and the guy in Africa wearing a floating device shooting the AK 47 sideways from the hip. I made the decision to go ahead and go to an Appleseed event and finally learn the basics of shooting a rifle.

And I love Tennessee. There are 4 Appleseed events next month and two are an hour or less from home. There is so much shooting stuff here that I am going crazy trying to decide what to do.

I’ll give you guys the AAR when the time comes. And no, I am not expecting to come with the patch my first time around.

This is a former Congresswoman and Navy veteran


9:02 am on 9/11.  That’s when this was posted.  20 years, almost to the minute from when the attack occurred.

I don’t need to repeat the numbers to disprove this.

If why is is wrong and evil is not apparent at face value there is nothing I can say to change your mind.

This is the Democratic Party today.

This is what they’ve become.