

The futility of wishing for Gun Confiscation

Via The View From North Central Idaho 

US Gun Sales Reach 400 Million (msn.com)

There is no way in hell any administration can go ahead and try to confiscate weapons from Citizens. It does not mean they won’t try because the level of idiocy when it comes to DC or local state capitals is unending.

And it also confirms that Gun Owners are the most pacific bunch of people you’ll ever meet: That many guns in the hands of ornery and pissed off people? Your favorite Gun Hater would be somewhere in the streets of Paris tweeting about missing the kombucha from back home but knowing he would not make it through a visit without being used to zero a rifle.

Why play politics with your kids’ lives?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — A federal judge in Memphis has dealt the first blow against Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee’s executive order that allows parents to opt their children out of school mask requirements designed to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19.

Late Friday, U.S. District Judge Sheryl H. Lipman issued a temporary restraining order that blocks Lee’s order in Shelby County, but it could set the stage for other legal challenges across Tennessee.

The order stems from a lawsuit filed on behalf of two Shelby County students who have medical conditions that make them more vulnerable to the coronavirus. Their attorneys argued that, because Lee’s order allows students to enter schools unmasked and potentially infect other children, the plaintiffs were denied their rights to a public education.

Federal judge delivers blow to Governor’s mask opt-out order (newschannel5.com)

You need to explain something to me s I am not a parent: If your kid has a weakened immune condition or something that makes them sensitive to the Chinka Virus, why would you actually want them to be among other children that potentially could pass them not only Covid but a slew of other contagious infirmities? I would have guessed that a mother would rather keep the your sickling sapling at home well away from potential infections rather than risk him die because you want to be politically ornery.

And why the effing judge decided it was a good idea to risk the life of a minor in that manner if the kid was actually weakened in his/her health? Hell, just a few days ago in Chicago a judge revoked a mother’s custody because she was not vaccinated under medical orders and supposedly presented an alleged risk to her healthy son.

This country has gone mad.

Improvise, Adapt, Overcome and next time remember!

We went over the In-laws to do some shooting practice for permit class.  I thought I brought all we needed but actually I forgot one little thing: The effing targets.

So after searching the inside of the truck, I only found a roll of paper towels and an old paper bag. So I McGyvered it.


No, I actually targeted the ones in the right. Last shooting of the day out of a Remington R51
If it looks stupid but works, it ain’t stupid. Bounty held pretty good all things considered.

And I have to behave, the missus was grouping them holes about a dollar size.

PS: The In-laws’ land has a nice 100 yard “lane”  with a decent backstop. I am so gonna abuse the crap out of them. Buying a couple of gongs next week.