I can’t think of a category

Political Bipolarity or how to be a weak ass strong yet delicate powerful useless and mindless liberal woman.

csgv hudakAn article in 5820.com about the suffering of Evie Hudak has CSGV in fits. Mean people has said nasty things to her and she has or is close to have the vapors (is that a politically correct thing to say?) because , you know, she is a woman.

A rape survivor testifying against the bill said she would have perhaps not been victimized had she been carrying a firearm. Hudak had countered that statistics didn’t support the likelihood of prevailing over an assailant while armed. Her remark hadn’t been well received at the time—and it was clearly still inciting a negative response. Hudak closed the laptop, slipped into bed, and tried not to cry as she lay next to her husband. She reminded herself: As a politician, she was supposed to have thick skin.

Not quite what she said or how she said it. Here is the original quote:

“Thank you for sharing your story,” Hudak said. “Very, very unsettling story. I just want to say that, actually statistics are not on your side even if you had had a gun. You said that you were a martial arts students and yet, I mean, person, experienced in taekwondo, and yet because this individual was so large, was able to overcome you even with your skills and chance are that if you had had a gun then he would have been able to get that from you and possibly use it against you. The Colorado Coalition Against Gun Violence says that for every one woman who used a handgun to kill someone in self-defense, 83 were murdered by them.

Here is the rub. Not only she is disingenuous about the statistics (Can you mention one single media article where it says that the woman had a gun in her hands but the attacker took it away from her and killed her? me neither) , she is also saying that surrender, rape and possibly murder is a much better tactic for a woman than actually defending herself. Why? because you know, she is a woman! Incapable of doing anything worthwhile like actually defending her body and her life!

I still cannot get my head around this political bipolarity. The same people who keeps telling women to be independent, that there is nothing in the world that they cannot do, that they can beat men at their own game, flip the switch and treat them as fragile dolls that will come apart if somebody passes gas in their general direction when it comes to the basic principle of self-defense. “Darling, a gun? Mais Non! Use a tongue depressor to puke on your opponent, Or you can soil yourself (I hope you went to Taco Bell first) or tell them you are a whore and have a nasty social disease. But don’t you dare use a gun to defend yourself! That would be so…. unladylike!”

I am not buying for two seconds that Hudak is all upset because she got called nasty names by email. If anything she is upset because her fellow Dems in Colorado told her she needed to quit before the Republicans could put one of their own in her spot after a recall they knew she was going to lose. If anything she might be crying because of the tire marks imprinted on her face by the bus she was thrown under for political expediency.

PS: Women with guns are not only empowered but sexy as hell.

about the death of Paul Walker.

I found out about his passing from a Facebook post of a former Marine friend of mine. He said (and I did not know) that he was a gun guy and a supporter of our troops. He was on his way to a charity to help the hurricane victims in the Philippines when he died
But a sickening meme has appeared regarding his death. It is pretty much “screw him, he was just another Hollywood celebrity. What about (insert somebody or group here)?”
You know damnable well that I have no problems for those whose lifestyles are stupid and conductive to early passing to do so. But Paul Walker was not one of them but one of us.
And even if was not a part of our culture, he was trying to do the right thing when he died. A self centered Hollywood celebrate might just have called his accountant, have check issued and then have his PR person issue press release telling the world how much he cared for the little people.
So, those of you being all tactical hipster, stop being ricks.
thank you.

Ps: still on a tablet…hare it.

Happy Thanksgivings – Turkeys Away: An Oral History

I am going to do the Thanksgiving Post a little different. Perhaps one of the funniest bits I have ever seen in a TV Comedy: The Turkeys Away episode originally aired in October 30th, 1978 and I think it is the most memorable for its twisted yet innocent humor.

Besides the video below, click on the link and enjoy the writers telling the story of that particular show and other tidbits….and Happy Thanksgivings!

TV Guide named it as the fortieth best television episode of all time. On lists of favorite sitcoms, or favorite holiday episodes, it invariably ranks even higher. WKRP in Cincinnati’s seventh episode, “Turkeys Away” begins as a wholesome, almost bland, Thanksgiving show. Around the midpoint, though, the standard-issue sitcom setup – Mr. Carlson (Gordon Jump), orchestrates a secret radio station promotion – takes a spectacularly morbid and off-color left turn, one that sets up punchline after hilarious punchline.

via Turkeys Away: An Oral History | The Classic TV History Blog.