
The Left’s breathless wish: Waiting for The New McVeigh.

“I’ve come to believe he needs a certain level of violence in this country. He is willing to accept a certain level of killing to further his political agenda. The vice president, too. How else can you explain this dishonesty we get out of the administration?”
Wayne LaPierre about President Clinton.
appearing on ABC’s “This Week,” March 12, 2000.

You can hear them giggling like schoolgirls and praying to their less-than-divine superior entities.  “Dear Gaia, there must be a McVeigh out there. We need him to blow something up and get lots of people killed so we can destroy them Teabaggers, Threepercenters, Gun Owners and the rest of Conservative morons.” Yet nothing has happened and they grow restless.

There are some taking action to badmouth the Tea Party and make anybody that sympathizes with them feel threatened or guilty. Attacks by thugs against Tea Party protesters, Health Care Challengers, caravans and even other union members that disagree have happened but sparsely since it is too risky; you see, those bigoted Teabaggers may actually carry guns and may be able to defend themselves against the legitimate mobsters of the Left. And if that is not bad enough, there are people with those damned video cameras taping everything and uploading it to Youtube (There ought to be a law, right?) Some want to try a “softer” approach by infiltrating Tea Party Rallies and display racist or threatening banners and behaving like the Left’s idea of Conservatives.

But in their heart of hearts what the desperately wish is another Timothy McVeigh so they can bring the full force of the traditional media against us. They don’t see the life of innocents as a sacred value if political brownie points can be made. The dust had not yet settled from the Murrah Building when the Clinton Administration blamed Talk Radio and the NRA not because they were guilty in any shape or form, but because it was politically convenient to assign them the blame. Time and again the Left will do a danse macabre, pour ash over their heads and torn their clothes over the corpses of victims they created in order to gain sympathy for their cause and to slam the opposition. Columbine, Virginia Tech and any of the m assacres in Gun Free Zones are bright examples of this bloody theatrics.

So be ready when something big and terroristic happens. It might be Bin Laden blowing a elementary school full of children, but it will be the Tea Party and the Conservatives that will get the blame. Remember, these are the same idiots that said it was America’s fault that 9-11 happened and some even went on saying we deserve it. Tin Foil Hat? About a year ago, I’d agree with you that it would be stupid and loony to think like this, now I am not so sure. A friend of mine commented years ago that the scene from Schindler’s List that stayed with him was when the Jews were herded into the Ghetto, they were hungry, miserable and cold. A group was around a fire in a 55 gallon barrel and one of the comments was along the lines of  “Well, this is as bad as it gets” … and it is well know it got worst.

Don’t cry about the company you keep and the consequences.

The video shows an edited and editorialized version of an event that happened in 2007 where an Apache engaged a group of “civilians” which included two “journalists” working for Reuters. I have no idea who works in Wikileaks, but they must have the weirdest set of eyes in history. They fail to see at least 2 men armed with rifles (one having the distinct AK shape) and another person carrying an RPG but they identify with certainty the “reporters” and almost the serial number of the video cameras they allegedly have. The clamor is because they shot this group of 8 individuals for no reason even though you can hear the radio transmissions from the chopper and the ground about a Bradley unit nearby. After a generous dose of fire by the Apache, a van shows up to collect bodies. Fearing that besides the bodies, the new arrivals might collect weapons, the crew asks for permission to re-enagage and after obtaining it, the van becomes a-holee chunk of metal. Sadly, the moron driver of the van had 2 children inside who were injured in the attack.You cannot make out the children before or after the attack until the Bradley column arrives and the soldiers take the kids for medical attention. You will see a badly CSI attempt to enhance the video and point out the camera carried by the “journalists” and the heads of the kids in the driver’s side window of the van… of course you will see only a dark squarish object under the arm of one of the individuals and two round images on the window. I imagine you are allowed to use your imagination and also see two kitties, a pair of sunflowers or whatever is your desire.

The the patchouli infused whiners at Wikileaks of course lay the whole blame on the Apache crew, the US army, the Military-Industrial complex, Dick Chenney, Batman and the Cuban guy who sells churros in Hialeah by 49th street and Palm Avenue. However it never crosses their mind to wonder what the hell these two “journalist” were doing hanging around armed males sneaking peeks around a building and down the street where a column of Bradleys was going by.  They never even question why a sane person would drive a van with kids inside where a a military helicopter just finished redecorating the street with anatomical parts, live and in color. I am sure that the Apache crew felt worse than the parent that so blatantly and carelessly placed his kids in the line of fire. We all feel bad, innocents should not be used as human shields or be the victims of their parents stupidity. Hopefully Dad is in Hell right now paying for his amazing display of child welfare.

And what about the poor poor Reuters “Journalists”? Careful about the company you keep and where are you working. Stupid hurts or in this case, it kills.

PS: I did a quick Google search for Reuters journalist killed in Action and, Dude! It is dangerous working for Reuters. They just popped one in Thailand.

Our “Kooks” versus theirs: The value of hypocrisy

So a big deal has been done in the LeftBlogs and the Traditional Media about this group that allegedly wanted to kill cops. They are just foaming at the mouth and asking for God to deliver Fire & Brimstone to the Conservatives for sins not committed against Law Enforcement. And it struck me funny that they are so pro-cops all of the sudden.

You see, if the Hutaree were really planning on killing police officers, we will be the first to go volunteer as jurors and convict their sorry asses to the deepest dungeon or nastiest penal colony in the nation. However the Left has a funky view of Cop Killers: They celebrate them! You think I am kidding? Check the great efforts made by the Left to liberate Mumia Abu-Jamal giving them accolades and even the French renaming a street after the vermin. Yet we are the ones that celebrate violence and we are the obtuse.

How do we want to treat child molesters and rapists? Gimme a rusty hacksaw, some ammonia and a tarp. Come back in an hour with the mop and a bucket. However the Left is willing to give a pass to scum like Roman Polanski who drugged, raped, and sodomized a 13-year-old girl. Liberal Uber Idiot Whoopi Goldberg went as far as saying that “It wasn’t rape-rape.” And like her, many Hollywood types jumped in the same bandwagon.

And don’t make me go inside the hallowed walls of Congress. You should know at least one case were a Republican screws up and has to renounce in shame and half a block ahead of the tar and feathers of his own people. The Left will go into the Betty Ford Clinic mode (I know I am showing my age) having the particular culprit give an “emotional” and “heartfelt” apology, send him to a rehab clinic and re-elect him again for the same seat.

So assorted Left Wing idiots, spare me your staged indignation. Nobody is buying.

More dangerous than an Armed Hillbilly.

Damn it, I think I am going to have to subscribe to any rag. Again a newspaper fell in my hands and found something interesting. According the an article in the Wall Street Journal, doctors and hospitals are killing people at an alarming rate.

Errors made by doctors, nurses and other medical caregivers cause 44,000 to 98,000 deaths a year. Hospital infections, many considered preventable, take another 100,000 lives. And mistakes involving medications injure 1.3 million patients annually in the U.S., according to the Food and Drug Administration.

Holy crap! I knew it was bad, but this is just Halloween/Freddy Kruger/ Jason Vorhees/ Mother In Law Staying For The Summer scary.  Next doctor that tries to tell me how dangerous is for me to have guns, I might have to ask him about how these little statistics here.

At the end of the day, the stethoscope turned out to be more dangerous than a gun.

When Morons attack… pairs!

What happens when you combine a moron posing as a journalist and another moron posing as firearms safety?

Forensic expert Dan Austin speaks with In Session Host Ryan Smith about the weapon that was used to kill Amy Boscarino

Between the ‘journalist’ Ryan Smith commenting: “It might be used as a rifle when you really trying to aim and hit something.” (As opposed when you are trying to aim and miss something rifle?) and the firearms ‘expert’ Dan Austin saying that a 5.56 round “good for elephants” we have part three of Dumb and Dumber: When morons attack.

Extreme left is a 460 Weatherby Magnum used to hunt elephants. Sometimes it takes 2 or more shots to bring it down. On the extreme right is a 5.56 round which is just a barely improved 22 caliber bullet sitting a top of a lot of propellant. I wonder where Mr Austin got his ballistics and firearms expertise, Barbie school?

Hat tip to Say Uncle

It has to be a West Coast “Be Meek” thing.

“This is Tyler. This is Robert. And we single handedly managed to kill Gun Rights Radio Network!”

In their latest podcast, the Gun Rights News (West Coast Edition 025 @ minute 50:50) duo actually proposed two things anathema to Gun Owners anywhere but the Left Coast: A Federal Database of Gun Owners and Federal Regulations to Carry Concealed anywhere in the country which is what you will get when you push for a Government-sponsored Federal Concealed Weapons Permit. Add to that the fact that they want taxpayers to pay for mandatory Gun safety classes or you don’t get a gun and I figure that unless they come up with an emergency podcast apologizing for their remarks, the cash-strapped Gun Rights Radio will find itself in the way of the now defunct Air America.

I do not think Robert and Tyler are moles for the Brady Bunch, but just a couple of well intentioned West Coast subjects of the Great Social Experiment that, although saying they believe in the Second Amendment, they are convinced that the average modern gun owner is a fumbling moron whose access to guns should be supervised.  In a way is sad to see that some people in the Left Coast are so behind the curve. The rest of the Second Amendment community have stopped apologizing and trying to compromise with the other side since the Assault Weapons Ban some 15 years ago when we realized that “compromise” and “common sense measures” were just key words denoting ‘give up your rights even more.’ Yes, all hell was raised when the public heard statements like “jackbooted thugs” (referring to the ATF) and “He (President Clinton) is willing to accept a certain level of killing to further his political agenda” but it shook the status quo and all of the sudden the Silent Majority was heard loud and clear even though Mainstream Media came down with all its might and every anti Second Amendment pundit took the pen or keyboard to label us as dangerous creeps. Then it came the ballot box and all of the sudden the “common sense” side lost big time by those who were tired of “compromise” and “common sense measures and laws”.

“But… but… but they are only advocating gun safety! You cannot be against gun safety you heathen!”  Well yes I can advocate against Gun Safety if it comes from Washington D.C. I mean really, Have you been paying attention at the trash coming out of D.C. in the last 60 years? Do you really think that a Government bureaucracy is going to make things safer? Will you really feel your Second Amendment right safe and sound with a Concealed Weapons database in the hands of the ATF? You actually think they would let Instructors from the NRA (the most hated Lobby Group in D.C.) be in charge of a Federal program? Dude, please!

Gun Deaths by accidents and negligence have taken a dive since the late 80’s. That people in our side use the specter of “Ohmyfuckinggodeverybodywithagunisamoronweneedregulation” shows the amount of disconnect between reality and their little piece of their imaginary world. Plus, let’s remember something: IT IS OUR RIGHT! Tyler and Robert would evacuate a block of baked clay if I were to demand that they were properly trained and certified by the FCC, NAB and FTC and whichever other regulatory commissions and groups are there before they even attempt to buy their first recording device or laptop to be used in Internet publishing. Yet, somehow it makes sense for them to demand those regulation for the folks buying a gun.

So to Robert and Tyler, grow a pair of gonads, share them and welcome to the 21st Century. Stop apologizing for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Addendum: To Jerome. Dude, regarding your comments about Gary Tudesko’s alleged misconducts as student at Willows High I just have to say that either you went to school at a Buddhist monastery or were a certified nerd.  Anyway, whatever he allegedly did or did not do had no relevance in the case and you are as guilty as the Principal who brought out those events in order to taint his character and maintain his expulsion. Gary Tudesko was a kid who was roughly treated by a school principle drunk in power and false moral superiority. You sounded with just about the same amount of false moral superiority. Gary Tudesko is not an ambassador of anything, he is just a kid and probably better behaved than many. So, Next time restrain yourself from sounding like one of those preachers that speak righteousness but they are doing crystal meth and have a mistress on the side.

Mark Vanderberg and the rest of GRRN is requesting subscribers to keep organiztion going. It is not much, just $24 a year. But, Can I support an organization that hosts minds like Robert, Tyler and Jerome? If they were the only game in the network, I would tell them to go to hell. But GRN also hosts ProArms and Urban Shooter Podcast which are my favorites,  so I guess I’ll be sending my donation anyways. It is up to you to make your own decision.

How to write to the editor without throwing up.

Refuting The Anti-Gun Newspaper Article by Chris Christian.

Every firearms owner has, at one time or another, read a newspaper article, or opinion column, or Editorial, or Letter To The Editor, that just made their blood boil because it just wasn’t true.

“HOW CAN THEY GET AWAY WITH THAT!!!!” we all scream. Well, there’s a simple reason they can get away with that, and that’s because they own the ink and paper. And, once in print, many accept their cr*p as fact. In many cases, the Mainstream Media (MSM) they could care less whether or not the printed material is factually correct as long as it fits their liberal template, and the private ownership of guns is not high on their list of favorites. Expect them to be anti-gun.

You can yell, scream, beat the dog, use the paper to wrap fish or line the bird cage, get onto a Forum and rant (I call that “preaching to the choir”), or just stew about it. Or, you can respond via a Letter To The Editor.

And no, firebombing the editor’s car is not an option….legal or otherwise. 🙂