
“Everybody Draw Mohammed Day”

By now you should be aware of the controversy regarding Comedy Central and the censorship of an episode of South Park portraying Mohammed and the threats by some Islamic moron from Brooklyn named Abu Talhal und Falafel et Camel or something like that who posted in his now defunct website that “”We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show. This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them.” The site displayed picture of the corpse of Theo Van Gogh as added visual reference.

The bending over of Comedy Central was their own and the South Park producers Matt Stone and Trey Parker were not involved. Actually they sounded kind of pissed by Comedy Central’s actions and its bout of Political Correctness in a station who has no qualms on letting programs insult other religions.

So in response of these threats and Comedy Central’s sudden testicular vanishing, the “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” has been set for May 20, 2010.

This should be interesting. I can already hear the cries of racism and intolerance from CAIR and the bowel-less pundits everywhere. Heck, I might get creative myself just to see them anguish and pissed.

Hat Tip to Conservative Scalawag.

In honor of Earth Day.

The ultimate recycling for Earth Day.

Do you know how much has been spent on Global Warming bullshit? Money that could have been used in real green projects like reforestation in Third World countries. Or creating industries in those same countries where they are so dirt poor, anything alive will either be killed for food or burn as fuel? Water sources are polluted to hell and back because there are no waste treatment plants or even sewers?

The real danger to our planet is Poverty, Green Stupidity, and Self Righteous assholes that think they know better than you.  In the meantime, go out, buy a tree and plant it in your front or backyard. Convince a neighbor to do the same. Get another tree and give it to the elderly neighbors across the street (and plant it for them) they will appreciate it and probably care for it a lot better than anybody else. No space for a tree ’cause you live in an apartment? Get some sort of hanging plant and nurture it. It doesn’t take much and you are actually generating oxygen and scrubbing CO2 much more efficiently than any carbon footprint elimination scam out there…. and then go buy a tree and plant it in a open space that needs it.

And the next time a Hippie comes to you and bitches about Gaia dying because we ain’t doing enough, offer to use insulating foam in his respiratory passages to cut down on carbon dioxide emissions and noise pollution. Do that till we get the Soylent Green trucks up and running…..

911: Oh! You magical Number you!

Amazingly at work they offered CPR/Heimlich and AED (automated external defibrillator) training not only for free but you got paid overtime for it. Upon completion, you will get not only a nice card saying you are now a standing member of those who may be able to save a life, but also a card valid for 2 years displaying such info. A life-saving set of techniques taught under the best of incentives and several individuals rejected the idea. Some even verbally degraded it with various colorful idioms.

Some of the dissidents were old farts, set in their ways and so soured with life they plainly didn’t give a squat. I am guessing that the fact that they had to come to work at odd hours interrupting their mac & cheese and that day’s episode of Oprah was too much to sacrifice. A couple of youngins assumed their gansta stances and replied with the standard “Hey man. That just bullshit. I don’t need that shit.” Other not so young excused themselves by using a myriad of reasons, but I  could read out of their bodies and verbal patterns was that they were too embarrassed to be embarrassed in front of others.

I asked one of the youngins what would he do if his Mom ( a woman with a history of vascular problems) would suddenly need CPR. His answer was “I’ll call Call 911.” When asked what would it happen if 911 or rescue wasn’t immediately available, his response was “Why it wouldn’t be?”

It saddens the hell out of me that people are willing to be mentally castrated this way. In order to save face, they rather depend on the kindness of the Government to help them get out of trouble. Then when their dreams dead stop as they hit the shoals of reality, they moan and complain and demand more government control. It is sort of trying to treat a rattlesnake bite by injecting more poison into your veins. It must hurt to think logically while pride is in the way.

Climate Change, David Copperfield style.

You gotta give it to the AlGorians, no matter how much Mother Nature proves them wrong, they love to come up with an excuse to explain why weather events happen just the opposite they predict.

In today’s New York Times we have the article “Climate-Change Debate Is Heating Up in Deep Freeze” and the best quote is the following:

Most climate scientists respond that the ferocious storms are consistent with forecasts that a heating planet will produce more frequent and more intense weather events.

OK, now if you care to explain to me how can I produce a pound of ice from the inside of a hot oven, I’ll buy into this Global Warming bullcrap. Otherwise just shut the hell up and wait till summer to bring the issue again.

A Patron Saint for shooters.

The following is extracted from the article “A Patron for Shooters” by Carlo Stagnaro, ARMI Magazine, Milan, Italy, June 2003. For the whole article please visit the St. Gabriel Possenti Society.

After a battle that year in Pesaro, Italy, in which Giuseppe Garibaldi’s Piedmontese army defeated Blessed Pope Pius IX’s army, several contingents of the former left the main body of the troops, and proceeded to terrorize the countryside. About 20 of them entered Isola del Gran Sasso, where Gabriel Possenti served as a seminarian. When the noise from the ruckus caused by the gang reached the monastery, Possenti asked the monastery rector if he could go into the town to see if he could help the people. The rector said yes.

Possenti found the gang about to rape a young woman, and ordered them to set her free. When they refused to obey, Possenti yanked two pistols out of the soldiers’ holsters. (According to Mr. Paolo Tagini, who edits the Italian firearms magazine, Armi Magazine, the weapons likely were 1851 Colt Navy Model six-shot revolvers in .36 caliber or imitations thereof.) At that moment, a lizard ran across the road. Gabriel Possenti took aim, fired and killed it with one shot. Then, he turned his weapons toward the gang which, surprised and shocked, left the village.


Retaking a semblace of normality.

I am lucky to have been laid off and found a job again when the unemployment and the economy is so crappy. But I have to say that working 2300 to 0070 does put your life in a spin cycle specially since I ain’t a young pup anymore. It has taken almost a month to adapt to the concept that I am a pumpkin and the rest of the world is not. Add to it that the body tends to reboot once it sees sunlight but the reboot is less than satisfactory due to working like a vampire and what you get is the brain of a zombie trying to get things done and my mind suffers the equivalent of Windows Blue Screen of Death.

But now that I am somewhat used to the new routine, I realized I am so behind in several things, I am ashamed I let everything go. My shooting has gone to crap. Even though I managed to set one day off to be able to attend my IDPA matches, the change in schedule compounded with the nasty heat and humidity of South Florida brought what appeared to be cluster headaches (at least according to WebMD.) I had headaches before but having a headache lasting 16 hours is not an enjoyable experience. I became light and sound sensitive so you can imagine this fool bravely attempting to get a day in the range, failing miserably and having to run home crying like a teenage girl watching Twilight.  Let’s see if I can make it up this Saturday.

I need to reload. God I am so low in ammo that I might make one IDPA match and one ICORE match… barely. Reloading components are still hard to get, specially primers. I am well stocked in brass and lead for casting bullets, somewhat OK in powder but awfully short on primers. And I refuse to buy primers at stupid prices so I am caught between the anvil and the executioner’s axe. Anyway, that will be first on my To Do List.

I got a 24×12 (or something like that) sheet of airplane kydex for under $15. I’ve been meaning to retake my speed loader and AK mag pouch projects but lack of inexpensive materials with a crappy income put aq stop to that. I do need at least 4 more speed loader pouches for ICORE and I will try to duplicate an AK Mag holder that Rob of Tactical Yellow Visor was kind enough to loan me. I swear the first company that figures there is a huge need for inexpensive AK gear will make friging millions.

I did order EOTAC’s Vickers Duty Gloves from Dale who is our local Tactical Gear Pusher and duly sworn EOTAC dealer. I am still smarting from the last rifle drills night a couple of months ago. WASRs are tough, reliable but murder for the hands. A review will be forthcoming before it is against the law to do so.

I do want to happily announce that the last barrier has collapsed and my dear wife has finally agreed to get her Concealed Weapons Permit. She will be the third student to get training from this NRA instructor. If I want to be accurate, she has been getting the training for the last year a bit at a time although not in a class format. I think by now she must have somewhere in the vicinity of 50 hours of me talking about guns and self-defense but needs some range time (Honey, expect some 200 rounds worth of active shooting) plus a last minute overdose of Florida Statutes 790.