
Giving up on California? I am about to.

So The Governator Schwarzenegger signed Assembly Bill 962 into law making Law Abiding citizens having to jump through hoops to buy ammo. In the meantime criminals will still do their thing without any interference from the Government.

Of course Californians have been assured that this new measure will keep them safe an no, it is not an attack on the Second Amendment. Problem is the great brains behind it could not keep their mouths shuts and had to brag. On TheUnion.com we find this little quote from Amanda Wilcox:

“This bill is about keeping dangerous weapons out of dangerous hands.”

So it was never about controlling the flow of ammunition so it would not fall into the hands of criminals after all. But we knew that long ago, just look on how the bill defines ammunition:

For purposes of this section, “ammunition” shall include, but
not be limited to, any bullet, cartridge, magazine, clip, speed
loader, autoloader
, or projectile capable of being fired from a
firearm with deadly consequence. “Ammunition” does not include

So, in an amazing leap of logic and common sense, some Brady Bunch genius managed to equate live ammunition with loading devices. Unless I tie down somebody and beat him to death with my high capacity AK steel magazine, I kinda fail to see the imminent danger of school kids being massacred by a Safariland Comp 3 speed loader. Oh! By the way, remember when the Assault Weapons Ban came to be, there were oaths and promises that they were never intending to control revolvers or lower capacity guns but just those evil devices that can carry more than 10 rounds? Guess what? You are seeing precisely the control of LOW capacity devices. A revolver speed loader usually comes for 6 rounds, hardly the “hail of bullets” associated with those cultural sensitive drive-by shootings. Told ya so!

If you can stomach the idiocy, you can click here and read the rest of the idiotic bill.

The Left Wing Intelligentsia: I sort of understand now.

I just caught this interview with Gore Vidal linked out of the Drudge Report. For a man who is supposed to be a intellectual genius, he is one sour, misguided and pathetic individual.

Obama believes the Republican Party is a party when in fact it’s a mindset, like Hitler Youth, based on hatred — religious hatred, racial hatred. When you foreigners hear the word ‘conservative’ you think of kindly old men hunting foxes. They’re not, they’re fascists.”

Whoa! How such a supposedly enlightened individual spew so vile hate? For somebody who has lived so much, it amazes me how petty his soul can be. But it gets better. This is his opinion of us, the American people.

Obama would have been better off focusing on educating the American people. His problem is being over-educated. He doesn’t realise how dim-witted and ignorant his audience is.

Got it yet? We are dumb, not worthy of living and enjoying the gifts that him and his cohorts give away but that we foolishly reject. We are a dumb country because ‘America has “no intellectual class” and is “rotting away at a funereal pace. We’ll have a military dictatorship fairly soon, on the basis that nobody else can hold everything together’. ‘Now, if I remember my history correctly great countries as defined by having fantastic intellectual classes have had a big share of dictators since 1776. Germany, China, Russia, France to mention some of the great cultural centers of the world were racked by all types of dictators bringing upon this planet grief and death by the hundred of millions while the United States has never had one. The causes they supported or let grow while safely tucked away in their Ivory Towers, filled trenches with corpses, created tons of ashes out of human remains and engaged in waves of ethnic cleansing. Yet he seems to forget that for his own little bit of egotistical self indulgence. We Americans are dumb because we did not build him a pedestal and bowed to the infinite wisdom of him and his fellow intellectuals, wisdom that massacred people over and over. And thank the Lord we are dumb because us Dumb Americans had to go out there and save the rest of the world from their little intellectual experiments.  Ooops! I mentioned God, I must be full of religious hatred.

He is afraid of Obama being assassinated. Not a difficult thing for his mind to elaborate since he has this perfect mental image of us as crazy, bloodthirsty animals

Has he met Obama? “No,” he says quietly, “I’ve had my time with presidents.” Vidal raises his fingers to signify a gun and mutters: “Bang bang.” He is referring to the possibility of Obama being assassinated. “Just a mysterious lone gunman lurking in the shadows of the capital,” he says in a wry, dreamy way.

And yet, look who is holding tight so he does not lose it.

“My usual answer to ‘What am I proudest of?’ is my novels, but really I am most proud that, despite enormous temptation, I have never killed anybody and you don’t know how tempted I have been.”

You know? It is truly sad to see somebody at the end of his life having a soul so shriveled by hate. I feel pity for the poor guy. He is a truly sorrowful creature. May God give you soul some peace after you leave us Mr. Vidal… Oh darn.. I mentioned God. I must be full of religious hatred. Oh well!

Pelosi Chokes afraid of the rethoric. Oh really?

Poor dear Madame Speaker. Hot off the video presses here we see her…well, I am not sure she is emotional due to her constant and voluntary overdose of botox, but she seems to be feeling somewhat emotional.

She is a good politician. She is no coming out and saying: You all rednecks that hate my President have to shut the hell up and bow to the superior intellect.” but you know that is where she is heading. Specially when she mentions the “balance between Safety and Freedom” which whenever a politician mentions it, Freedom takes a serious hit.

Maybe she is finally getting the message that people are tired of their BS. Maybe somebody shook her from her daily reverie to the altar of Noam Chomsky and pointed to her that there is something going on because the serfs are revolting.  Maybe she was only getting her information from the ABC/CBS/CNN/NBC/MSNBC clique who are designed around the ignoring of the facts and the truth and thus missed stuff like ACORN personnel voluntarily agreeing to help pimp underage girls, that Czars are politically positioned to the left of Stalin and believe in population control or to fellow congresspeople who publicly admit their undying admiration for Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez.

Pelosi reminds us of her sad memories of the violence in the 70s but fail to mention that it was her fellow political leaning terrorist the ones playing with explosives or dealing drugs to further the cause or executing police officers to later be nominated for the Nobel Peace prize.

Maybe too much botox is really harmful to the brain or maybe she is just LYING! Yes, I am gonna use that word before the Liberal Democrats bring back the The Sedition Act.