Undercutting Christie’s perceived tough guy act, however, is his record. In office and as a candidate for office, he has been anything but the kind of Second Amendment advocate who conservatives want to call their own. And his moderate stance on guns—including his history as an assault weapon-ban evangelist—opens him up to charges of inauthenticity.

via Chris Christie’s Faking It on Gun Rights – The Daily Beast.

I still have not seen one of my gunny friends and acquaintances that like Christie, much less trusts him on Gun Issues. And if he is still infected with the idea of running for the White House, the pool of people saying “Not only no, but Hell No!‘ increases dramatically.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Chris Christie’s Faking It on Gun Rights – The Daily Beast (And you think we did not know?)”
  1. The only way Chris Christie will ever get into the White House is if he runs as Hillary Clinton’s vice-president.

    And that implies we’ve found a candidate who is not a RINO and could, therefore, defeat the Clintons quite handily.

  2. if it comes down to him or Hillary, whom will you choose. and if you say “neither” or vote 3rd party or write-in then you’ve chosen Hillary.

    1. Unfortunately, you are right. We really need a viable 3rd party. This whole R and D crap is just that. they are the two sides of the same coin. We need a good Libertarian Independent that is beholden to no one. good luck with that.

  3. You WILL NOT GET a viable third party — the Copnstitution doesn’t establish an electoral scheme to permit that.

    What you CAN get is a minor party taking over the position of one of the two major parties, and displacing it. That’s where the GOP came from.

    But, in EVERY CASE, the “third party” never won power until one of teh two major parties collapsed or was assimilated from within by the philosophical adherents of the “third party”.

    You want a viable Libertarian candidate for president, or for more than a handful of state and federal elections? Then you’ll either have to wait for one of teh two majors to utterly self-destruct, and sweep into teh vacuum, or you will have to take over one of the two parties from within.

    That’s just the way our political system is set up.

    1. And whadaya know, the GOP is currently in the process of collapsing and being assimilated by the Tea Party. And I support both happening at once.

      Libertarian isn’t a political party, it’s a philosophy.

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