CSGV TM JurorsAgain: The effect of the ‪#‎NRA‬’s “Stand Your Ground” law…. except the letter that the jurors sent does not mention anything like that and is just a request to remain private after the threats they have been receiving by those who agree with CSGV:

We, the undersigned jurors, understand there is a great deal of interest in this case. But we ask you to remember that we are not public officials and we did not invite this type of attention into our lives. We also wish to point out that the opinions of Juror B-37, expressed on the Anderson Cooper show were her own, and not in any way representative of the jurors listed below.

Serving on this jury has been a highly emotional and physically draining experience for each of us. The death of a teenager weighed heavily on our hearts but in the end we did what the law required us to do.

We appeal to the highest standards of your profession and ask the media to respect our privacy and give us time to process what we have been through.

They did their duty even though they knew the verdict they rendered was not going to be popular. But doing the right thing is often not popular.

But the Stand Your Ground Law must be destroyed at all costs even when it had nothing to do with this case.

They say truth is the first casualty of war. Some are picking the wrong side of the war we don’t want but we won’t be afraid to face.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “CSGV: Because they cannot use the truth.”
  1. “We appeal to the highest standards of your profession…”

    Journalism has standards? When did that happen? Has anyone told the journalists?

  2. Every journalist who read that statement is now laughing at the irony of someone assuming that journalists have standards.

    CSGV: picking and choosing which statements they will quote out of context, because the context as a whole does not support their agenda.

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