I was going to talk about the Daily Kos article, but the comments were just so good, I could not pass them up:
csgv high ground

This first one is not one of the first ones, but kinda sets the tone:

Heidi Stewart I agree with all of these points. I feel the urgency in helping people look at this critical issue differently and more rationally. However, I disagree with the use of the term “gun nut”, for one reason only. The pro-gun population goes out of their way to rapid-fire insults and derogatory names at those of us advocating for safer gun legislation. That’s really all they’ve got. For the most part, gun control advocates respond with logic, facts and Socratic questioning. None of which appears to work, mind you, but I take pride in this population for consistently taking the higher ground. The NRA works extremely hard and spends millions trying to keep the pro-gun movement alive with thoughtless fear and propaganda. It’s not surprising that it works so well. Insulting those same people who have been convinced we are out to get them and steal their guns is not going to get us anywhere. We can’t respond at their level.

Let’s see the examples of ‘higher ground” from the same thread:

Aviva Luria Someone must have photoshopped the drool out of this photo.

Adriawa Evans Why is this old fuck even in the public eye. Don’t you just love how all these old white fucks just do whatever the hell they want fostering hate, making millions, and avoiding prosecution? This – not democracy – is the marvel of America!

Jennifer Unruh Walls Guess Cheney is getting ready to “accidentally” shoot someone else in the face.

Timothy Scanlon We MUST pursue them as a terrorist organization and treat ’em accordingly. 

Mariamma Jones it’s gotten so bad that every time I see a (fat) white man grinning like this, I get scared and wonder if he’s going to lie, cheat, beat, shoot or con me. Not all white men, just the ones that are kind of fat, overly pasty with lizard-like grins. Because let’s be honest, these guys are slightly insane and will kill me to make their day go better. These power-hungry lizard-brained freaks make it difficult for men of honor to be seen and taken seriously.

Betsy Hansbrough They are still little kids who believe cops and robbers is a fun game. and they are still, playing cowboys and brown people….like killing them is no big deal.

Oh yeah… classy.

And that is why we win….

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “CSGV: I wonder how the “low ground” would look like.”
  1. “On average, it is almost impossible for any given person to find themselves in a situation to use their guns to protect themselves”.

    Maybe because we don’t go out looking for trouble?

    Roxanne Barksdale said;
    I have been advocating gun violence prevention for years now & have long found those people obsessed with having “Guns Everywhere” to be recognizable by their horrid language- profanity and illiteracy.

    You mean like this Roxanne?

    Adriawa Evans Why is this old fuck even in the public eye. Don’t you just love how all these old white fucks just do whatever the hell they want fostering hate, making millions, and avoiding prosecution? This – not democracy – is the marvel of America!

    One commenter suggested that they kill our women and children, With a knife of course. I noticed that it has been deleted. Fine group of people there. No wonder we are winning.

  2. “…spending a fortune on useless arsenals. . . ”

    Useless? At worst, they bring me pleasure — no different than a recreational SCUBA diver’s, or skydiver’s gear (and likely no more expensive than any serious enthusiast of recreations like these!) You average “gun nut” probably spends less on his guns and assorted bits than a rock climber or golfer and about the same as a serious mountain biker. And shooting is actually safer than all of those other activities I listed, except golf!

    Since your average person (even an enthusiast) is pretty unlikely to be FORCED to bail out of an airplane, dive on a wreck, climbe a sheer rock cliff, etc., this claim is meaningless and even if it were 100% true, is just as true about EVERY OTHER recreational activity with much more complex gear requirements than basketball.

    1. Yeah, there’s some ignorance in that statement. My father had something like $300,000 “properly” invested in mutual funds for his retirement that is now $150,000 (and on top of it, that $150,000 is more inflated than the earlier amount dollar for dollar anyway). The great irony was that I had a bunch of money tied up in guns, and needed some cash around the same time…sold them for an amount that negated any inflation (i.e. they held their value better than actual paper money would have). I still remember him lamenting the irony that if he had spent all his retirement money on guns, he could have retired earlier. And it wasn’t just some fluke bet either…firearms almost always retain their value better than almost anything out there except land…and you don’t have to pay yearly taxes on the amount of firearms you own like you do on land.

  3. In Nevada they now how free speech zones. Probably because of gun grabbers like these commentators in the daily kos.

    1st Amendment zone-did not see a way into the orange fenced off area.

  4. My lol fav:

    Heidi Jon Schmidt They are putting themselves AND THEIR FAMILIES at greater risk. “Accident” (negligence), suicide, domestic killings…. why would you BUY something that puts you and your family at greater risk of harm???
    April 11 at 10:27am · likes 6

    I’m betting she and her family live in an empty house with padded walls and receive their nourishment via government regurgitation. Bonus, seems she’s not alone.

  5. Funny, my gun and I just happened be in the right place at the right time last week on my way home from work. The result was one less person beaten to a pulp or worse yet, dead. #notjustananecdote , #CSGV

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