About a month and a half, the first anniversary of Virginia allowing Citizens legally carrying guns into bars and restaurants gave us the report that not only there were neither “shoot outs” or “blood running down the dance floor” as we all expected. If anything, a drop in crimes involving firearms dropped; again, nothing we did not know.

Tomorrow, a similar legislation starts in Ohio. CSGV and the rest of the usual suspects are once again losing their minds and warning of impending massacres for a missing olive in the appletiny. But the cake was olympically taken by Andrew Goddard, father of Colin “I can see chewing gun under the desk” Goddard:

The amount of mental acrobatics used by Mr. Goddard . by pulling a statistical bunny out of the illogical & irrational Top Hat is so impressive by comparison makes Cirque du Soleil look like a bunch of comatose paraplegics taking a nap.

But their delusion is helpful. As long as they keep upping the loco ante, the more people will see them for what they are and the more irrelevant they become.

And we win.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “CSGV Luddite of the Day: Andrew Goddard”
  1. you know what I point out to anti gun fruitloops? Something they CAN’T refute. granted it wouldn’t work in the big cities but…,Kennesaw, Ga.since the enacted their ‘Head of Household’ ordinance[all heads of household are required to own, maintain and know how to USE a firearm.] ..their population has grown to 6x what it was when the ordinance was passed 29 years ago. yet the crime rate is still LESS than HALF of what it was, when they enacted it in the first place! HELL they haven’t had a single MURDER IIRC, in the time since. After all what’s the point of going into a life of crime and thuggery in a place like that when odds are better than even you’re going to be shot dead in the process. The City Council passed that ordinance in response to the great Morton, Ill gun ban of 1982. When the ordinance was passed the press all said the same thing, they dubbed it “GuntownUSA. They said there would be chaos in the streets. Neighbor killing neighbor over minor infractions. Kids getting shot for just being kids[keep in mind what WE call kids being kids and what the LIBERAL establishment call kids being kids are two diametrically opposed and different things] Therefore when anyone suggests yet ‘another’ gun control law, or gun grab..my response is by and large the same as many others I know. “You can have them when you pry them from my cold, dead, hands.”

  2. I think that it would be cool to call the Alchemist’s Father out in public and get some good video of him losing his mind in a rant. I think that winding him up and setting him off would be epic. Like drunken Mel Gibson ranting about the JOOOOOOS! epic.

  3. “I think that it would be cool to call the Alchemist’s Father out in public and get some good video of him losing his mind in a rant.”
    Wait..you’re saying he HAS a mind?

  4. In other news I happened to catch Rachel Maddow”s reaction to this..it was part of a 7min long rant. Sadly I found it mildly entertaining..and nauseating at the same time.

  5. Wow. Just plain wow. I would love to see his basis for that half-assed attempt at a non-existent argument… Something tells me it would provide me blogfodder for months

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