This fresh from their Hate-Generating-Intern:
CSGV Viva Maria


And some more comments that are…well…:

Richard Lapointe ah, gender equality. cowgirls can be every bit as stupid as cowboys.

Jeff Agin Beauty is fading,but stupid is forever.Not a caring heart in their conceited bodies.

Lori Bagley Trying to sexualize gunz, make it appeal on every level of the psych…. for those with weak brains I guess it may work that way !

Rob Guillen Couple of dumb sluts paid to do an ad….pretty pathetic!

  • Anne Rodman What’s with the costumes? Doesn’t their target market prefer barefoot and pregnant?
    • Michael Douglas Smith To achieve barefoot and pregnant, they have to stimulate the goat ropers into action. This is the look most effective.

Lori Bagley Trying to sexualize gunz, make it appeal on every level of the psych…. for those with weak brains I guess it may work that way !

Lovely comments, ain’t it? An demonstrates the advance knowledge of the subjects in all matters…except maybe movies.

CSGV Viva Maria poster

Viva Maria, a 1965 film directed by Louis Malle and starring Jeanne Moreau and Brigitte Bardot.

The Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence never stops to make me laugh which is more that I can say for 99% of the Comedy Channel lineup.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “CSGV needs to get out more.”
  1. Karen and Rob Guillen must be feeling particularly ignorant about now. Gee Rob where is your respect for women or is that only a liberal convenience? So busy hating none of them had time to stop and THINK before commenting.

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