Why tell the truth? Because it hurts them.
CSGV 26 children


The article from ThinkProgress (What a contradiction!) mention several cases that they swear up and down would not happen if SYG was not in the book. Some examples are:

Sherdavia Jenkins: Two drug dealers decide to settle their business probllems by shooting each other. As people trained by TV, they shot at everything but their intended targets and 9 year old Sherdavia Jenkins was killed. SYG had been recently instituted and the defense lawyers were prompt on saying they were going to use the defense. Except for the Miami Herald and the usual pundits, everybody with an IQ above shoe size figured SYG defense would not fly. Damon “Red Rock” Darling and Leroy “Yellowman” Larose are now serving lengthy prison sentences. Remember, just because you invoke it, does not mean you get it. If that would happen, I’d be the proud owner of the Poweball winning ticket.

Daniel Amore: This case is kinda weird. Apparently Kunta Grant and Kunta Grant had been having problems in the past and the day of the incident, Amore had punched Grant in the mouth. While picked up a phone and was with 911 when Amore attacked again and Grant defended himself via knife to the chest. NIether one was an angel (in fact they both apparently had plenty run-ins with the laws,) but attacking somebody while on the phone with the cops is kinda giving them a free legal pass.

Carlos Mustelier and a friend were just strolling down the street on a nice warm spring morning when an evil man just gunned him down, right? Except it was Fall at 1:24am. Mustelier and a friend attacked Thomas Baker who was walking his dog and Baker responded by placing shots on Mustelier. Friend ran away and the confrontation ended. The case was ruled in favor of Mr. Baker via SYG.

Christopher Cote: I can’t find much on this case, but apparently there was a silly argument between neighbors, Cote got in Jose Tapones’ property and he responded with two shotgun shots. SYG was denied by the judge (again, just because you invoke it, does not mean you get it) and Tampones was found guilty of Manslaughter. The appeals court overturned the conviction on the grounds of jury misconduct and ordered a new trial that acquitted Tampone.

Who has not seen killers claim self-defense as an excuse? Since time immemorial they have been trying to pull that one and prosecutors and judges have gone ahead and charged them anyway. The same applies to Stand Your Ground and at the risk of repeating myself to the point of making you sick,  just because you invoke it, does not mean you get it. This is obvious to the people writing these scathing articles against SYG but they ignore it, why?

I am starting to feel that this new campaign against Stand Your Ground goes further than just hatred for the law itself.  Maybe we are seeing the starting of a campaign to water down Self-Defense across the Nation?  This would be a very dangerous path to take, akin to what happens in England where your right to Self Defense is all but a joke and anybody is a Tony Martin.

The problem is that the Opposition is stupid enough to try it.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “CSGV: The Precious Angelical Cupcakes and other BS.”
  1. It looks to me like a lot of these cases they’re saying wouldn’t happen without SYG were actually some idiot saying “I’ll go out and murder a bunch of people and then claim SYG.”

    Which, of course, wouldn’t happen if the gun-control crowd would quit saying that SYG is a free pass to commit murder.

    Ohwait, so the anti-gun crowd’s rhetoric is more harmful than the pro-gun crowd’s guns? NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW REALLY!?

  2. Dude – That picture looks like some college guy. Treyvon Martin was only like 11 years old when that off-duty cop run him down with his pick-up and then got out and shot him in the back.

    / at least that’s what I remember from CNN

    1. Trayvon martin was not ran over and then shot in the back.I dont know where you saw or heard that but thats completely false.He was in a black hoodie walking down a street when george zimmerman saw him and got suspicious and called 911 to report him as a suspicious person in his neighborhood.If you listen to the entire 911 call and not the doctored one played on cnn you would hear the dispatcher telling him to stop following him and a patrol car was on the way.You would also hear zimmerman complying and a second later Trayvon yelling at him as to why he was following him .You then hear his voice getting louder as he comes closer then sounds of a scuffle and then a gunshot .Trayvons girlfriend testified that she had been on the phone with him at the time of the incident before the shooting and that there was no way that trayvon could have yelled anything at zimmerman .The prosecuter found no evidence of any phone record of a call on either trayvon or his girlfriends phone to verify her story.The police officers that arrived at the scene testified to zimmerman being on the ground with injuries to his back ‘neck and top of his head.A doctor testified that the only way those injuries could occur is if Trayvon were standing over zimmerman at the time.Bottom line trayvon messed with the wrong guy.

  3. Soo…
    As for the Zimmerman case…
    If those facts are in the public record….how come the lefties don’t believe it??
    OH! STUPID ME… Thats right….. Its all the Tea Party’s fault……………….

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