Please stop saying stupid shit like ALMOST ALL MASS SHOOTERS ARE WHITE! and then use a meme as data to prove your point as you look stupider than usual. I know the latest political fashion is all about “White Is Bad & Must be eliminated” but lets ge a grip on, shall we?

This a capture of the Mother Jones Mass Shooter database showing the first 20 entries in their list. Not the NRA’s, not even the FBI’s but a left wing magazine so you cannot say they are in favor of Gun Owners or the President.

Santino William LeGan: Italian-Iranian
DeWayne Craddock: Black
Gary Martin: Black
Jordan Witmer: White
Zephen A. Xaver: White
Juan Lopez: Latino
Ian David Long: White
Robert D. Bowers: White
Snochia Moseley: Black
Javier Casarez: Latino
Omar Enrique Santa Perez: Latino
Jarrod W. Ramos: White
Dimitrios Pagourtzis: White
Travis Reinking: White
Albert Cheung Wong: Asian
Nikolas J. Cruz: White
Timothy O’Brien Smith: White
Kevin Janson Neal: White
Devin Patrick Kelley: White

So, out of 20 shooters, seven are minorities. That is 35% on that sample. Numbers will go up or down depending, but it is not the “immense majority”  or “Almost All” so stop making shit about the Race and Mass Shooter. Crazy assholes killers come in all color and sizes.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Dear Gun Control People about El Paso Shooting.”
  1. They only care about a mass shooting if they can use it to push a identity politics agenda. Race hate uber alles.

  2. Another thought: if white males were in fact as violent, and terrorists, as folks such as this claim, can someone explain why there are any leftists/liberals/minorities left, anymore?

    unless, (naw, couldn’t be it. Naw, ) they are wrong, it’s projection (looking at YOU, Antifa!), and Larry Correia’s metaphorical switch, has not, yet, been flipped. (my source:

    “…But for the vast majority of folks on the right, it’s an off and on switch. And the settings are Vote or Shoot Fucking Everybody. “

  3. This data does not cover all mass shootings. These are public mass shootings. In addition to them there are criminal mass shootings which include gang violence and common crime like robberies, and familiar mass shootings. If one includes them the most mass shooters are actually black.

    Of course it depends on the definition. Gang related shootings typically have few dead but many wounded. Of common crime one of the most horrible cases, the Wichita massacre of 2000 is not on the list. If involved four dead and one wounded. They were shot in execution style after being robed and raped.

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