You'll Never Overthrow The Government and It Isn't Scared of You


If they are not scared and our weapons make no difference, Why are they so intent on taking them away? Why list us as possible “domestic terrorists” to be kept under watch?

For the love of Baal, we just lost Iraq to a bunch of idiots after a decade of invasion, bombing, loss of our soldiers’ lives and the best money could buy in military technology….and we didn’t even like them!

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Dear H. A. Goodman: I beg to differ.”
  1. Well, I for one don’t like being compared to the likes of those two yahoos out in Las Vegas who knocked off those cops or even the folks who were hanging out at Bundy ranch. It’s those kind of idiots that have given us all a bad name. I’m just a guy who keeps a few things around my apartment to make sure that I can take care of business if I have to. There’s a big difference between those of us who love the sport and want protection from the bad guys and those who start taking cover when a black helicopter passes overhead.

  2. The left simultaneously believes that third-world farmers with scrounged weapons can defeat the US military, but US citizens (with a hefty percentage of US military veterans) cannot.

    It’s one of the fantasies they’ve sold each other on, like the idea that unlimited spending is OK because they can print more money, and ignoring racism from non-whites means only whites are racist.

    1. I disagree. The left knows that if third-world farmers with scrounged weapons can defeat the US military, then the military stand little chance of defeating an armed US citizen population that a) contains a hefty percentage of veterans who take their oaths seriously, and b) outnumbers the military 30-1 (and that’s assuming all active military side with, which would surprise me).

      They stick to their fantastical narrative because acknowledging the truth scares the Hell out of them.

  3. We did not lose Iraq. The current administration abandoned Iraq in 2012. Their civil war has been heating up for the past two years, mostly with IEDS and other Bombs. Shia bombing Sunni; and Sunni bombing Shia; Christians, Sufis and other minorities getting killed by both. Fallujah fell to ISIS weeks ago. It just got too big to ignore now.

    “We” will also abandon Afghanistan (“The War of Necessity” – B.Obama, 2008), in 2015. If we were honest, we would just cut and run today.

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