Abbas said to veto Israeli vaccination station on Temple Mount
Doses were intended for thousands of Palestinian worshipers gathering for Friday prayers; Abbas said to refuse over concern about an Israeli show of authority in Al-Aqsa compound

Israeli officials reportedly sent a request last week to the Palestinian Authority and the Jerusalem Muslim Waqf asking that the Israeli government be allowed to open a coronavirus vaccination station in the Temple Mount area, but the request was rejected.

The station was meant to vaccinate mainly Palestinian worshipers visiting the area. The Waqf is a Jordan-affiliated religious authority that administers Muslim religious sites in Jerusalem, including the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound atop the Temple Mount in the Old City.

According to a report by the Kan public broadcaster (Hebrew) on Wednesday, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas opposed the idea since, he claimed, the act would give Israeli officialdom a presence in the Al-Aqsa Mosque area. 

The Israeli request came following the repeated publication of photos in which over 10,000 people can be seen praying in the mosque area each Friday, in disregard of COVID-19 protocols.

After Israel’s initial proposal was refused, a second was reportedly made: that the vaccines be administered by Arab Israeli paramedics and not by Jewish ones, and that they be dressed in clothes that bear no markings of Israeli medical establishments. That offer was also turned down, the report said.

Palestinian Muslims gather by the thousands at a Mosque in Jerusalem.

Israel offers to vaccinate them.

Palestinian leaders turn down the offer.

Israel offers to send Muslims to do it.

Palestinian leaders turn down the offer a second time.

The Palestinians hate the Israelis so much they are willing to turn down tens of thousands of free vaccines rather than let Israelis set one foot on the Temple Mount.

But you know that somehow, this is the fault of the JOOOOOOOOSSSS!!!  Because woke Jew-haters will never admit to the reality of the situation in Isreal and Palestine.

Anyone on the Left who still says that the Palestinians not getting vaccines from Israel is evidence of Apartheid or some other bullshit can promptly go fuck themselves with a power tool.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Dear Jew-haters attacking Israel about Palestinians not getting the COVID vaccine, you all can go f**k yourselves with a chainsaw”
  1. Accepting help in such a public manner would undermine the Palestinian victim narrative.

    Besides, there’s no way to use the proffered assistance to make Scud rockets. ?

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