Pro-tip: If your biggest concern about what happens after a use-of-force event is “what can I do to not be arrested,” your priorities are BADLY out of alignment.
As a lawyer who routinely consults on use-of-force cases, I couldn’t care less about you getting arrested. You getting arrested is the LEAST of your concerns.
You not spending 40 years in prison is what my focus is on, and that ought to be YOUR focus, too.
Just assume you’ll be arrested, go with the flow, comply with the officers (and maybe the cuffs won’t end up SUPER tight), and relax while you wait for your lawyer to show up.

Andrew Branca in Facebook.

Never forget cops arrive at a situation where there might be a body on the ground, one person (you hopefully) still standing vertical and no true idea what has happened prior to them getting there. For all they know, you are somebody who just killed an innocent and you gonna wear cuffs till stuff gets figured out.

PS: Have you selected your lawyer? Do you have his number with you at all times? 

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Defensive Shooting Aftermath: Get your priorities straight.”
  1. Yep, a Non-Rightious shooting where the shooter admits to firing the shots at the injured party is Murder or Attempted Murder.

    Even if you did everything right, the responding officers won’t know that, and you shouldn’t expect them to assume your innocence, any more than when they roll up on some dude in the hood with priors they should assume their guilt.

    So be the guy who calls 911 after the situation ends and you are in relative safety. Comply answer the very basic questions like identifying your gun and that you indeed fired it, identify the person you shot and why you did it, and identify witnesses, then politely say you will get into more detail with your lawyer present.

    And for GOD sake, have Concealed Carry Insurance!!!!


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