As Sean Sorrentino puts it:I do believe that Death is going to have to sneak up on this old man while he’s sleeping. Death would be afraid of “getting his tail kicked.”

“I figured there’s a whole lot of ways I can do this,” said Brittnacher. “And I don’t want to shoot him.”

And yes, he could’ve easily shot the intruder. The 79-year-old keeps rifles propped next to his doors to scare away coyotes. Old photographs hanging on his walls show him riding bulls and certificates deem him a member of the Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame.

But when he saw the gunman and listened to his almost unintelligible gibberish, Brittnacher decided to handle things differently.

“I didn’t know whether to be scared or feel sorry for him,” he said.

So he hit the guy. Hard. Right in the throat, like a karate chop.

via Cowboy, 79, disarms gunman with karate chop to throat | San Antonio.

They don’t make them like that old cowboy anymore.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Devil beware”
  1. Us Mature People just can not recover from a whooping like when we were young and the Badest Bucks In The Bar. We`re not dangerous, we just work Smarter not Harder 🙂

  2. Daddy used to tell me not to try to fight old men. He said, “Son, them as won’t cut you, will shoot yore ass, sure as hell.”

    Now that I’m getting to be a bit long in the tooth, I have to admit, those two options are more attractive than fighting.

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