The national Brady Campaign spokeswoman confirmed the figure. “It is correct to say that 8 children and teens die from gun violence every day,” Fuson said in an email. “It is also correct to say that 9 children and teens are shot unintentionally.”

We checked the nonfatal number as well and found that 8.86 children are unintentionally shot each day and survive, according to the CDC’s nonfatal injuries database.

But those two numbers — eight gun-related deaths and nine injuries per day — do not show the whole picture.

PolitiFact Oregon obtained a breakdown by age from the CDC’s online database and found that about half of all youth gun deaths — 7,223 of 14,258 — are 18- and 19-year-olds. The same goes for unintentional injuries, roughly 46 percent of which — 7,479 of 16,172 — are 18- and 19-year-olds.
Remove those two years from the calculation, and there are an average of 4.76 unintentional injuries each day and 3.85 deaths.

That is significant given the use of the word “children” in the Brady Campaign’s display, along with a chalkboard and shoes suited to children younger than 12. In addition, people 18 and older are legally considered adults. They are allowed to buy guns and ammunition without parental consent, and are solely responsible for crimes they commit using those weapons.

We asked Fuson, the Brady Campaign spokeswoman, to find out why the campaign includes 18- and 19-year-olds in its calculation. In an email, she said the campaign used the CDC’s own metrics for measuring unintentional injuries. She pointed us to a report published by the center examining childhood injuries from 2000-06.

via Do an average of nine children a day die in the United States of gunshot wounds? | PolitiFact Oregon.

“why the campaign includes 18 and 19-year-old in its calculation. In an email, she said the campaign used the CDC’s own metrics for measuring unintentional injuries.”

And maybe because it sells better to give such huge numbers accompanied by images of small kids than images of Late Teen gang-bangers? It is the usual: If they ever tell the truth they know they will lose so lies must be told and repeated.

I found funny that PolitiFact Oregon was the organization doing the checking. I will speculate wildly that God believes in balancing stuff out and got tired of our old friend Jason Kilgore (A.K.A. Baldr Odinson) spreading B.S. spreading BS all over the Beaver State.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Do an average of nine children a day die in the United States of gunshot wounds? PolitiFact Oregon Calls Bravo Sierra”
    1. We don’t know if the CDC HAS stopped using up to 25 year olds being counted as children/

  1. Wow. Politifact is HILARIOUSLY left-biased, and I have caught them giving “mostly true” ratings to statements by Democrats and “pants on fire” ratings to Republicans for comments with exactly the same real truth value.

    When they start saying a liberal group has lied(like when they outright flip-flopped on the ACA, taking its detractors from “pants on fire” status to “mostly true” status), it means the damage is impossible to contain.

  2. It takes a great deal of moral equivocation to equate the tragedy of a young child shooting themselves/someone after funding an improperly stored gun with some high school dropout gang banger shooting some other high school dropout gang banger over drugs.

  3. So… how many a day die from malnutrition? Abuse? Drowning? Car accidents? Other accidents? Fact is those numbers exceed the gun fatalities and we don’t hear the same level of outcry.

    For 0 – 14 the top 5 causes of death are:

    Congenital Anomalies = 5,912
    Low Birth Weight = 5,189
    Other Injuries = 1,781
    Birth Trauma = 1,617
    Road Traffic Accidents = 1,244

    Homicide is # 6 at 957

    Now we get into the 15-24 year old range (yeah… way I see it you turn 18 you are no longer a child).

    Road Traffic Accidents = 7,111
    Homicide = 4,678
    Suicide = 4,600
    Poisoning = 3,183
    Other Injuries = 1,094

    The problem is how the homicide is committed is not noted so only an assumption can be made.

    Bottom line… there are other things far more dangerous to our children than firearms… why aren’t the liberals screaming about them?

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