Other than that or open idiocy, I cannot explain the following

Three days before the Newtown massacre, on December 11, 2012, a federal appeals court in Chicago declared Illinois’ ban on concealed firearms unconstitutional. Last month, a federal judge ruled Chicago’s ban on gun retailers within the city also unconstitutional. Both rulings bastardize case law: the Second Amendment says nothing about “firearms” or “self-defense” and the Supreme Court’s 2008 Heller decision only affirms the individual’s right to keep a firearm in the home for self-defense. Neither address an individual’s right to carry a firearm outside the home in self-defense as both judges erroneously state.

via Misguided, Uniformed Illinois Judges’ Gun Rulings Will Cost Lives by Elliot Fineman « Gun Victims Action Council.

So the Framers intended for the Citizens to own and carry what? Nun-chucks?  Concealed pitchforks? Assault Bunnies?


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Elliot Finneman has a Medical Marijuana Card”
  1. Uniformed judges? I know they all wear black robes, but never I never really considered it a uniform. Maybe he was referring to referees or line judges.

    Fineman definitely has something, mental health issues, a substance abuse problem, retardation… Dude is over the edge.

  2. He is correct, the second amendment is not about firearms.

    Of course the fact That it’s about arms in general, and somehow he thinks that’s a feather in his hat shows pure madness.

  3. The second amendment also makes no mention of “in the home” anywhere, it just says “to keep and bear”.
    Someone is just reading what they want to read.

  4. I have always hated the “cops should carry guns, while regular citizens shouldn’t” argument. It offends me, at a level that I cannot describe, that some people believe that once a human being starts collecting a paycheck from certain branches of government, they somehow become better than the rest of us. They somehow have more personal restraint, personal responsibility, can shoot straighter, and are just more trustworthy than the rest of us, enough at least to possess a gun in public.

    But just last week, the Chicago tribune published an article stating the city of Chicago needs to borrow $900 MILLION just to cover the cost of the police brutality and misconduct lawsuits filed against the city. Chicago cops are so bad, they are bankrupting Chicago, and yet they are the only ones in the city to be “good” enough to be trusted with a gun. There is some sort of disconnect there.


    Oh yeah, one more thing, f**k this guy’s belief that he as a (non-existent) “right” to have the warm-and-fuzzies about there being no guns within his personal bubble.

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