Over the past couple of months I’ve been seeing more and more friends of mine, who didn’t like Trump and didn’t vote for him, boarding the Trump Train.  I’ve found myself telling people, “I don’t even like the guy! Stop making me defend him!” This is not because he somehow magically won them (or me) over, or because they (or I) have all of a sudden begun to agree with his ideas.  No, it is because the petulant, whiny, violent, ignorant, condescensing, petty, vengeful left’s puerile screeching has reached

Source: Enough Already! | The Liberty Zone


And Nicki is all sweet peaches and cream… You made her mad.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Enough Already! | The Liberty Zone”
  1. “the petulant, whiny, violent, ignorant, condescending, petty, vengeful left”… that she would’ve been happy to see win the election, if it meant Trump lost.

    1. If you had read Niki over the last few months, you would be aware that while she doesn’t care for Donald Trump, she REALLY dislikes Hillary Clinton. I doubt seriously that she would have been happy with a Democratic Party win. Of course, you could always go to Liberty Zone and ask her. . .

      1. Actions. Not words. I already have been there and saw her bragging about not voting for Trump. After that, I really don’t care how much she didn’t like Hill… because evidently it wasn’t enough.
        Hope she enjoys her new teammates.

  2. I second that emotion. Still not a big fan of Trump but the anti-Trumpers have gone so far off the rails it make me want to see Trump just steamroll them.

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