“It is not complete,” said BlueWaveNJ President Marcia Marley. “It is a good start but it needs to be complete by adding the 10-round limit for magazines that our citizens want and have demanded.”

via Gun control bills move forward during heated day in Trenton | NJ.com.

Back in the days of the old Assault Weapons Ban and the Brady Bill, politicians swore up and down the stack of bibles that the laws they were trying to enact would be the solution to all our gun violence problems and nothing else was needed and of course, they were not after our guns. As soon as the ink was dry on the paper, the same slimy actors would come out with big smiles on their faces, pat themselves in the fannies for a job well done and comment to the reporters that the laws just passed were “A good first step.” And, of course, they went after more gun control laws.

Apparently the old tricks have been resurrected once more, but we already knew this.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Every Old Lie is New Again.”
  1. A question I’d love to ask on camera: “Mr./Ms. Politician, what do you consider to be ‘enough gun control?’ Let me clairify: if we allowed you to pass every piece of gun control that you want, at what point would think that guns and gun ownership were adequately requlated and no new laws would need to be passed?”

    1. I’ll save you the trouble, here’s your response: “That’s a very good question and I’m glad you asked. I want to keep our kids safe, and while I respect the second amendment, we can’t have dangerous people running around with assault weapons, we can’t have people running around with high-capacity magazines. We need to live in a safe society where madmen can’t just go shooting up children.”

  2. Yep – the tactics and the goals of the anti-gunners have not changed substantially, at least since 1968, that’s how long I’ve been studying the issue……………

  3. I want to know how much gunfight experience these asshats have that they know how many rounds you need. I was taught in the Marines that all the ammo you can carry might not be enough. I’ve never met anyone that survived a gunfight and proclaimed they were glad they only had 10 (or 8 or 7) rounds.

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