Faithful readers know of my hatred for modern art.

However, there is an old saying “a fool and his money are soon parted,” and progressives are nothing if not fools.

I have an idea to engage in a Sokal Affair-esque idea to make money off fools.

I am tempted to buy prints and statues of famous classical works, e.g., David, The Creation of Adam, The Birth of Venus, and attach to them fake rubber boobs and big, black… anatomically correct marital aids.

Then, claim that “I am making a statement against the Eurocentric, cis-normative, hetero-normative, patriarchal, white supremacism of ‘classical’ art, by making these iconic pieces, trans-racial and trans-gendered.”

I’m sure I could get a solid five or six figures of the collection in the right venue.

Yes, I will feel bad, but I will spend the money on a new big block V8 pickup and guns, to balance out my karma.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Feeling Creative”
  1. No, No, this will not work for you. Any cursory search would easily discover your fascist counter-revolutionary feelings, despite any obvious surface veneer of things like “He is Jewish, therefore he must be Liberal, and thinks like us.”

    You need a cut-out. Do you have any young, disillusioned nephews or nieces? Someone with a liberal arts degree, a dead-end job, and that is sick of the slander Zionism is Nazism? Ideally, one with one or more of the surface badges of progressive belonging, like minority, sexuality, gender, or disability? You could become their “agent” or muse and most importantly, silent partner. Think of “The Front.” Done right, both of you can make a lot of money, andafter time, their newer works could morph into works worthy of conservative or counter-revolutionary ideas.

    If you want to sell Art to the Elites, you must be in the correct political tribe, or you will be ignored. Infiltrate the Progressive Tribe.

  2. I’ve done similar.

    I once made a liberals head spin by claiming I was a gay man married to a gay-trans-man that identifies as female.

    In other words: a super-liberal-points way of saying a male with a dick married to a female with a vagina.

    They told me that just means a normal guy married to a normal girl and I got all offended, about how DARE they not respect our choice of designations and just label us by our genitals! It was pretty awesome.

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