Ferrari Grid Girls

“While the practice of employing grid girls has been a staple of Formula 1 Grands Prix for decades, we feel this custom does not resonate with our brand values and clearly is at odds with modern day societal norms. We don’t believe the practice is appropriate or relevant to Formula 1 and its fans, old and new, across the world.
Formula 1 to stop using grid girls

Yes, a sport whose fans are 92 % males, we suddenly developed the cooties for good looking girls and have begged FIA (Federation Internationale de l’Automobile) to get rid of them.

The dumb idiots at FIA have probably been harassed by the ugly feminist harpies and think that with that cave-in are going to keep them at bay. But I predict that not only it will not be enough but that they will complain about the lack of female drivers and will force to accept unqualified competitors just because they have a vagina. And if by pure miracle the Token Women survive even getting out of pits, Feminism will demand that the male cars be hobbled so the women drivers have an equal chance of winning the trophy.

But, I wan to leave with something delightful. One of the Grid Girls took to Twitter to complain about losing her job (something the feminist did not care about) and a Beta Male tried to wussxplain her why she wrong.
She too him to task. Enjoy.


The guy? Never replied back after that last one. He is a college student trying to get a degree in politics and language according to his profile.  I hope he learned more from this exchange that from all the time wasted at school… but I doubt it.

In closing, one more pic of the Ferrari Grid Girls.

Forza Ferrari!
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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Feminism attacks the Grand Prix.”
  1. No more grid girls because it’s sexist yet the twenty two award shows in Hollywood this month have boobs hanging out of every dress and more a$$ showing than a donkey farm. The hypocrisy triple standard of liberalism strikes again.

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