One of the problems with Europe is that the European governments largely do not represent the will of their people.

Europe is the land of royalty.  Even when the monarchy has been disbanded for centuries (France) they still have a cultural sense of caste systems.

European leaders are the elites.  They all attended the same schools, same universities, had the same professors, were taught the same things, and became the European bureaucratic ruling class.

This is how the Swedish government can keep importing huge numbers of refugees, to the detriment of Swedes (needs Google Translate), when the Swedish people hate the refugee policy.  The Swedish elite don’t care what the provincial people of Sweden want.

This model had taken root in the US, with Senator and President after Senator and President going to Harvard or Yale.

Still, in the US there was room a Representative to not be one of the self appointed elite.  Representatives are just that, they are supposed to represent their district, and should have some commonality with the people they represent.

Devin Nunes is the Congressman from California’s 22nd district.  The 22nd is smack dab in the middle of the San Joaquin Valley, America’s “land of a billion vegetables” and California’s dairy lands.

Nunes is a third generation dairy farmer from the San Joaquin Valley, educated in agricultural science.  He represents the people and major economic power of his district – farming and agriculture.

He is the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

Being a farmer from the San Joaquin Valley and on the Intelligence Committee was just too much for adopted New Yorker, Joe Scarborough.

Joe obviously doesn’t believe that a non elite should be in any position of authority in the government.

At this point I need to remind Joe that he’s from Georgia and went to the University of Alabama, despite years of living in New York and being an MSNBC host.

This is a message to Middle America that they have no business REALLY meddling in Government.  Their representatives should just sit quietly and let the elites be in charge of everything that matters.  This is the elite’s world and were just serfs to them, given enough representation to keep us happy, but nothing more.

This is EXACTLY the reason that New California wants to leave the rest of the state.

This is EXACTLY why we got Trump.

The people are tired of the elites using the goverment to protect and enrich themselves, and when a non elite exposes it, we are told he shouldn’t be in the Congress in the first place.

Those are fighting words.



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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Fighting Words from Joe Scarborough”
  1. I’m genuinely curious. Given the state of politics and culture and resentment put forward by pundits like Joe Scarborough, and the insane violent rhetoric coming out of the left, does anyone here see a path forward for our country that has a peaceful, happy ending?

    1. Yes. Divine intervention, and I mean of the Pillar-of-Flame-and-pillar-of-smoke variety. Alternately, of the Pillar of Salt variety. I suspect that will be a narrow, tortuous, and rocky path.

    2. I honestly believe that Trump will either lead us past ACW2, or be the trigger. It comes down to whether he can break the left or they decide to kill him.

    3. I know several democrats that are getting sick of the shit the radical “progressives” say and do. It turns out that Trump isn’t so bad after all. There is hope yet. Be kind to your democrat friends who also are sick of this shit.

  2. The left has a weird hatred for anyone and any industry that extracts wealth from the land — whether through mining or farming. Their blindness towards what makes their comfortable urban technological lifestyles possible is astounding.

    This blindness has led them to think the people who do this work are ignorant and foolish. It’s also led them to believe all sorts of nonsense, like “organic”, opposition to GMOs, and campaigning against growth hormones for dairy cattle and BPA in plastics — all while they swill phytoestrogen rich soy milk.

  3. Hey joe, if you so friggin smart, why aint YOU a senator??
    Hey joe shut the F up. Im sssooo glad I dont watch these morons at all

    1. Apparently Joe used to have a 29-year-old intern who showed up dead one morning in 2001. The physician claimed she had fainted and her head struck the desk, and Joe Scarbrough quietly resigned from office.

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