The NYPD is investigating what might be the city’s first coronavirus-related homicide — after a woman hit an elderly Brooklyn hospital patient in the head for violating social distancing, sources said Sunday.
Victim Janie Marshall, 86, died less than four hours after the tense confrontation with 32-year-old Cassandra Lundy in Bedford-Stuyvesant’s Woodhull Hospital, cops said.
Marshall, who was at the hospital for a bowel obstruction, innocently grabbed a metal stand in a hallway near a bed where Lundy, a seizure patient, was sitting around 2 p.m. Saturday, police sources said.
Lundy lashed out, complaining Marshall wasn’t following coronavirus social distancing guidelines, and allegedly slugged her in the head, knocking her to the ground, according to police sources.

Brooklyn woman, 86, dies after she’s knocked to the ground by stranger for violating coronavirus social distancing: police sources

This is sad. You have to be one callous M-Fer to hit somebody that old.

But wait, it gets better thanks to a compassionate government who does not want jails to be overcrowded.

Some of the confrontation was caught on video, though no one witnessed it. Hospital police issued Lundy a disorderly conduct summons after the attack and released her, sources said.

And from the NY Post:

Her attacker allegedly told a Health and Hospitals Corp. police officer that she did it because Marshall “didn’t stay more than 6 feet away.”

The alleged assailant was issued a summons for disorderly conduct by hospital police and left the hospital without being admitted.

I guess it is officially OK to beat Jews and the Elderly in NYC, specially now with the pandemic.  Now that we have a corpse, the attacker is being sought by the NYPD.

Jesus Christ, what a fucked up town. I swear they will Out-Florida-Man us.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “First Wuhan Virus Homicide?”
  1. “Hospital police”? I guess part of the problem is when every Tom Dick & Harry has his own fake police force.
    You have to be seriously mentally defective to record a murder, or at the very least a manslaughter, as “disorderly conduct” to be callously dismissed with a traffic ticket.

  2. Well, there wasn’t a body, only a victim to begin with. But I’ve noticed that fake police force many times. At a big name big hospital there are signs on the doors saying “no guns”.

    All of the security force is disarmed. They have tasers and cuffs and badges, but no guns.

    I’m sure that people carry in the hospital all the time.

  3. The main stream news media owns this one. They have everyone so panicked that people actually believe that they will catch the virus and die from a casual encounter that lasts seconds.

    IANAD warning. However, I do know enough to realize that passing someone in the hallway is almost 100% risk free. Yes… even if you are within six feet. Exposure takes time or concentration. Spend time with the infected, or have a massive amount of virus available. Touching something is not punch worthy.

    Yet, ask the average person, and they are convinced (by the media) that if they are within six feet of someone for so much as a nanosecond, it is a death sentence.

    There is going to be more of this.

  4. The old woman was standing too close so the assailing touched her?

    I’m pretty sure making physical contact is much worse than being three feet away.

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