To the dismay of Gun Control Cultists, we are doing not bad at all.  We have four bills on the way to the Governor’s desk so far:

HB-89 Threat of Force
SB-424 Insurance Discrimination Prohibition
HB-7029 Zero Tolerance/Pop Tart Bill
HB-523 CW Applications/Tax Collectors
HB-525 Public Records Exemption/CW License Holders Information

Still stuck in the Senate is the version of HB-209 Firearms/Mandatory Evacuation which comes up for vote next week.

Next week also ends the legislature session so we are pretty much done for this year. All Gun Control bills died in the committees, no matter how much Bloomberg money they had behind them.

So what’s next? First, start addressing the Governor to sign all the bills. The start preparing for next year to get some common sense stuff passed:

Knives: Amazingly and unbeknownst to me, we do not have knife pre-emption laws in Florida. Yes, our CWP allows us to carry just about everything, but localities can and have passed regulations that can get you in trouble. Miami-Dade pretty much bans any type of knife and has a particular hate for Bowie-type and assisted knives.  Florida Carry is gonna tackle this thing and we should join Knife Rights also who are doing a great job consolidating knife rights across the nation.

Campus Carry: With the reduction of Gun Free Zones in Florida, common criminals are seeking those  places that remain as pristine crime zones like College Campuses. A  Miami-Dade College music teacher was beaten severely inside the school’s parking garage and that is only one of the events we rarely hear but do happen but do not get the media time or are simply not reported.

Open Carry: Sometimes I think this is the unicorn of Florida Gun Rights. The fight continues and if Illinois was finally forced to accept Concealed Carry, we should not despair about getting OC eventually becoming the law of the land. And No, I won’t OC but will support it wholeheartedly.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Florida: How are we doing with new Gun Bills.”
  1. Texas has the grand misfortune of banning Bowie knives (sad, given the historical ties), but not having any legal definition for what they are.

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