Update to Miguel’s post about rioters in Portland trying to ambush a driver by blocking his way with a motorcycle, and losing badly in the process.

They doxxed him, went to his house, and threatened him there.

I wonder if Portland Police are going to go after him for waiving that 9mm around?

Considering that the protesters took a baseball bat to his windshield and then they chased him home, it seems like drawing iron was probably the only reason he walked away from that and wasn’t killed on his front lawn.

What is clear is that the protesters are getting bolder and more aggressive the more the police stand down.

People need to be prepared to defend themselves.

This shit is only going to stop when the people getting attacked start making protestor head-canoes.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Follow up to Portland motorcycle truck incident”
  1. And juries start consistently acquitting those who defend themselves … that will be the signal to many that self-defense isn’t moving yourself from frying pan to fire.

    Unfortunately we won’t know if that will happen for a year or so.

  2. and they stayed peaceful while near his property because he had that 9mm.

    We’re going to have more jeep shooter and AK guy situations soon.

  3. Dumb question- why would you lead protesters directly to your home??? This is why you should know every road around you and use them.

    1. This. If you are being followed, lead them away. Call the cops and have them stop any cars following you. Remember, you do not know for sure that they are following you from the protest to continue the protest, they may be scoping you out for a robbery, carjacking, or burglary, or worse. You don’t know, and the police should investigate. You are scared, you are feeling threatened, you are the victim. Tell them you want a protective order, and follow up to get one.

      Yes, we all lnow the protection orders are useless paper, but part of your stay out of jail plan should include documentation of your victimhood.

      Do not be a loud mouthed macho fool. You are NOT the Avenging Angel of Death. You are NOT Judge Dredd. Be the normal concerned citizen that is rightfully scared of these violent rioters that have assaulted people, even attacked police, and have trashed and burned down buildings.

      You are the normal quiet, stable upstanding citizen trying to avoid trouble, so make sure the police see and hear that. Make sure your friends and neighbors hear that too.

    2. Good advice, all of the above.

      If they can make out the license plate number, though, there’s a decent chance the owner’s information can be retrieved from publicly accessible databases, or paid data aggregation services. That’s arguably worse, because if they don’t follow you home you have no warning they know where you live.

  4. IJB: Oregon DMV is closed due to COVID and registration requirements are suspended until Oct1. My truck has no plates for a reason, and any sane person in Portland would do the same.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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