The lawsuits are moving forward across the country. It is obvious that the different plaintiffs are working together.

A few months ago, we were all waiting for the circuit courts to issue their opinions. My expectation was that we would then see everything end up back in the inferior court for another couple of years of litigation before we made progress towards the Supreme Court.

I believe that we now have 5 cases before the Supreme Court seeking cert.

If the Supreme Court decides to hear the cases, it is likely they will consolidate the cases and then address multiple questions at the same time.

This week, I’ve been working on software to allow me to more easily follow Supreme Court cases. I’m using it as another learning curve.

I’m also getting ready to do some product photography for a website, it should be fun.

I also have an interesting 9mm case that I want to share with you. A clear example of why we should inspect every case before we use it.

Here’s hoping you have a wonderful weekend. Please let us know what you are thinking about in the comments.

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By awa

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