Reagan Stevens, a deputy director in the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, and two young men were arrested for illegal weapons possession while sitting in a double-parked car near the scene of a Saturday night shooting in Queens, cops said.

A loaded, 9mm semi-automatic pistol with its serial number defaced was hidden in the car’s glovebox, and there was a spent shell casing on the floor near Stevens’ feet in the rear of the 2002 dark red Infiniti SUV, law enforcement sources said.

An unlicensed handgun in New York City might be something the Mayor could pull some strings over.

A defaced serial number is a hard time, get pounded in the ass in a federal prison, type crime.  I’m not sure how de Blasio will be able to fix this.

Oh wait, he’s a progressive Democrat, no egg will be anywhere on his face. 

Those rules are for little people like us, not like him and his appointees.

Good thing the people who want to take away our guns are so law abiding with them themselves.   I’d be worried is our moral betters were just corrupt, self serving, thugs.

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By J. Kb

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