We are so fucked.

I don’t think that crippling energy prices are worth not having mean Tweet from the President but here we are.

Just absolutely, positively fucked.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Gas prices go brrr”
  1. Wakey wakey America! Miss Trumpy yet?? The fun part is it doesnt just affect us deplored ones… it affect dumbocrats too

  2. I think it’s time for the states to start enforcing the Constitutional limitation on federally controlled real estate. The Constitution authorizes it to control “all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state … for the erection of forts, arsenals, dock-yards, and other needful buildings”.
    Half of many western states is supposedly controlled by the federal government. What fraction of that is “forts, arsenals…”? Some, clearly, and some of these are large plots, like some of the air force bases. But states like Texas and Nevada could clearly go tell the Federal government: “any land that doesn’t contain a military base built with our consent is state land and we’ll control what can be done with it”.

  3. I have spent some time looking into this (not an expert by any means, but knowledgeable.), and here is a list of all the industries that are not dependent on fossil fuels in a significant manner:


    Feel free to add if you know of one.

    1. Some leftists admit their goal is to reduce the world population by 90 percent. Most don’t say this out loud; whether they support it silently is a different question.

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