I’m a middle class American.  I like my guns and my god and don’t like having them attacked by a politician for political gain.

I’m a law abiding citizen and a tax payer who believes in common sense and not blind loyalty.

If you are thinking about donating to a politician who destroys a 22 caliber rifle, insults guns and religion, and uses his veteran status to undermine your rights, in farm and coal country Pennsylvania, I have a suggestion for a better use of your money.

That’s all you’re doing with it anyway.

I’m J.Kb. and I approve this message.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “George Scott Common Sense Ad”
  1. Here in Virginia, we have an opportunity to send a solid pro-Second Amendment man to the United States Senate. Please vote in the primary on June 13 for the best candidate by far — Nick Freitas. Let’s get him nominated and take back Virginia! You liked his video speech in the state house earlier this year—let’s send him to the Senate! I have a feeling that he will not be a wishy-washy Republican Senator.

  2. Note: Virginia primary elections on June 13, 2018. More than one contender for Republican candidate to the Senate. It’s a shame that we have seven Republican Congressmen — but both of our Senators are Democrats, including that poor excuse for a Virginian Tim Kaine, who we can unseat this year. We have an opportunity: let us seize the day!

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