And trying new things is what Shannon Watts is busy doing. She’s trying to make her own horizontal interpretive community to match ours. That’s clear as crystal with all the information she’s been gathering under various guises, and if she has decent data analysis tools, she’ll get an idea of which people are most ripe to push for further action and deeper involvement. She could also get a pretty effective GOTV (Get out the Vote) machine going with what she’s been collecting if she’s smart enough to mine the data in an intelligent manner. There’s a lot of options when you have money to burn, and have the technology to micro target in a manner similar to the methods that swept Obama into power.

via Gun Control 2.0 | Shall Not Be Questioned.

A sobering reminder that the Opposition ain’t done yet.  Not till we drive the political stake through its heart.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Gun Control 2.0 | Shall Not Be Questioned”
  1. And yet, with all of Mikey’s billions to draw upon, CSGV hired an intern who thought that a brilliant propaganda move would be to recycle a fifty-year-old movie poster.

    As is said, first-rate bosses hire first-rate subordinates, second-rate bosses hire third-rate subordinates. That makes Watts…fourth-rate?

  2. They will never truly be done. There will always be true believers to their cause (i.e. if there were no firearms in this world, there would be no murders). We just have to convince the people in the middle that the Bloomberg types are the ones who have extremist views.

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