By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Gun Motivator of the Day: Rule Three”
  1. So then we should all feel warm n fuzzy cause some asshat from the hood got a new heater??

    I’m sooooo sick of IDIOTS with NO basic safe gun handling skills making total fools of themselves on the Internet.

    If you are STUPID enough to post pics like this it only proves that the best part of you ran down your old man’s leg.

  2. “I take the permit class tomorrow but trust me all my guns wont be registered with thw city only a few”


  3. …there’s something visible along the top of the slide…
    Right near where the LOADED CHAMBER INDICATOR would pop up with one in the chamber

    1. I had a gun that was supposed to be empty go off on me before. I was clearing it, and nothing came out, so I dropped the hammer and it went off.

      Fortunately, I had acknowledged rule 1 by exercising rules 2-4, so nobody got hurt.

  4. I find it worrying that exactly one person called him out on holding the gun like that.

    “Do they also feel weird pointed away from you?”

    And even then, no comment was made about the thumb in the trigger hole!

  5. See, this is my basic dilemma with the 2nd A. Yes, it’s great that citizens have the right to guns, but it also means his kind also get that right. I have the same problem with voting. There has to be some kind of written qualification for both rights, or it’s a long slide down into hell. Note : “his kind” means idiots not blacks.

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