Virtue signaling is the expression or promotion of viewpoints that are especially valued within a social group, especially when this is done primarily to enhance the social standing of the speaker.

 Wikepedia or some crap like that.

In a Facebook Florida Gun Owner Group, there was an entry about how fast are the CWP being processed right now in Florida and the fees lowered. After the chain of loses we’ve been having because certain GOP senator was doing the beast with two backs with her Democrat counterpart and voting the way he wanted, you kinda figure a bit of good news is welcomed.

Cue the “Muh Rights!” Gun Owners AKA “The Chest Thumpers.” First they began with  “I am for Constitutional Carry!” like the rest of us aren’t and they are the only Pure Virgin Vestals in the Second Amendment temple. Then they proceeded to put down the news because… “Muh Rights, Damn it!”  Last, they crapped on the person in charge of the department because he is running for public office and therefore he is just trying to appeal votes out of Gun Owners.

So fucking what? What do I care he is accelerating the issuance and lowering the costs of permits? Is there any moral superiority in your posing as Super Hero of the Second Amendment? None, because you are just posing. You maximum effective range in the fight for our rights is zero.  In fact it takes the posting of one idiot to be read by a staffer of that candidate to sour his possible in help  advancing the cause of the Second Amendment in Florida if he gets elected.

VS = BS. Virtue Signaling is Bull Shit.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Gun Owner’s Virtue Signaling.”
  1. Virtue Signaling is just as annoying when “we” do it.
    The law is what it is. Don’t like it? Keep doing actual work to get things properly and legally changed. Take what victories you can, accept what losses happen, and keep on going.

    Think that the Second Amendment should give a blanket “I can do whatever I want!” for carrying firearms? Then work up a case and take it to the SCOTUS- and spend the money to do so successfully.

    Don’t think SCOTUS should have that sort of say-so? Work up an actual legal case to make that point that would stand up and be accepted. Hint- Marbury vs Madison has been accepted as legal precedent by the US Government for over 200 years, and legal precedent has been a foundation stone of our law, and English Common Law for nearly a millennium. You won’t be successful.

  2. The way to strip The Supreme Court’s power to have that say would be an amendment, not a court case. Oh, and that attempt would fail too.

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