17. Florida
Florida’s concealed carry license is honored by many states because obtaining one meets or exceeds most state’s minimum requirements; applicants are required to take part in live-fire training, fingerprinting and photographs. Florida’s carry laws have been used as a model for several other states as concealed carry has proliferated across the country. Florida scored well in all categories, but their $112 application fee is not desirable.

via The Best Concealed Carry States in 2013 (Text Only) – Guns & Ammo.

I am gonna have to disagree. Although the fee seems steep on the way in, the reality is that it is not as it comes to $16 a year since the permit is good for seven years. After that, the renewal for the next seven years come with the tag of $60 bucks or $8.57/year. Applied both fees in a 14 year period, you have the great total of $12.28 per year.

And to make it more awesome, 100% of the monies collected are only used for the Concealed Weapons Permit program. They are not revenue to be used to patch some other failing program. CWP holders sustain 100% of the system…we are self-sufficient.

Also, if you happen to live near one of the eight Department of Licensing Regional Offices, you can make an appointment and show up with only your certificate of training and the money to pay for the fee, the rest is done electronically (fingerprinting included.) My Better Half went this way and got her CWP in three weeks.

So maybe #1 is not in the cards, but certainly not 17th.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

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