I have decided to tone down on the Rittenhouse memes because as one person pointed out in the comments, he’s 17 and this will follow him around for life.

I am going to make a bit of an exception for this post because it concerns an Alabama Congressional election.

This is the meme:


So the Left is clearly pissed at this and mocking Barry Moore and the state of Alabama.

The thing is, the meme isn’t wrong, and frankly, this is why I wouldn’t bank on many cities in Alabama experiencing Portland or Seattle type violence.  We rank No. 8 for gun ownership with 55.5% of Alabamans having guns.

“Fuck around and find out” might as well be our state motto.

I think the Left just mad because they know it’s true too.

Think about their complaint in Portland.  Trump is a fascist because he won’t let them riot and loot and burn.  Therefore the good people of Alabama are Nazis because we will shoot back at anybody who tries to kick the shit out of us in a mob.

Barry Moore was forced to take this off his Facebook page.  But I’ll say it again, what he said isn’t wrong.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “He’s not wrong”
  1. Remember: better to live on your feet than to die on your knees. (The dichotomy as canonically worded is bogus, especially with regard to a mob that wants you dead.)

  2. Think about this for a moment. According to Mr. Moore, over half the people in Alabama have guns, that means that accounting for children and spouses, the number of households having guns is much higher (possibly close to 80%). In many cases at least one member of each household participates in annual life fire training sessions involving hunting various animals and making precise kills on moving targets.

    I dare say that in red states and even in suburban and rural areas of blue states the numbers may differ but there is still a significant percentage of gun owners and hunters. Antifa/BLM rioters moving to these areas throughout the country attempting to intimidate, loot and burn will pay a heavy price for their folly.

  3. Unfortunately, due to a surprising number of counties with high gun ownership having been saddled with DAs funded by Soros, so, probably, will the good citizen acting in defense of self and others.

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