I had outpatient surgery on my back yesterday to decompress my spine from a bulging disc.  So today I’m not doing much but lying in an easy chair watching TV.  Doctor’s orders.

Fortunately, the TV gods have smiled down upon me.  There is a Dirty Harry marathon on the El Rey Network.

I’m all of 10 mines into Dirty Harry and am blind sided by how much California  of 1971 is out of touch from California of 2018.

Right after Harry delivers the ransom  note from Scorpio to the mayor, the mayor says “The City of San Francisco does not pay criminals not to commit crimes.”

I had to laugh out loud.  Only last year did Sacramento adopt a $1.5 million policy to pay criminals not to commit crimes.

Just a few seconds later, Harry and the mayor have this interaction.


Only four days ago this was the news from San Francisco “Proposal Would Limit When California Police Can Shoot Guns.”

Several lawmakers and the family of a 22-year-old unarmed black man who was fatally shot by police are proposing Tuesday that California become the first state to significantly restrict when officers can open fire.

The legislation would change the standard from using “reasonable force” to “necessary force.”

That means officers would be allowed to shoot only if “there were no other reasonable alternatives to the use of deadly force” to prevent imminent serious injury or death, said Lizzie Buchen, legislative advocate for the American Civil Liberties Union, which is among the groups behind the measure.

The goal is to encourage officers to try to defuse confrontations or use less deadly weapons, said Terry Schanz, a spokesman for Democratic Assemblyman Kevin McCarty of Sacramento, who is co-authoring the legislation with Assemblywoman Shirley Weber, a San Diego Democrat.

That means that Harry would have to tackle or mace or taser said guy with a butcher knife and a hard-on.

Some in law enforcement called the proposal “irresponsible and unworkable.”

No shit.

The shooing would also been “racist,” because knowing what we do about the Fillmore and Mission districts, any rapist chasing a woman with a hard-on is an illegal immigrant.  If Harry had said “Yeah, well, when an adult male is chasing a young man with intent to commit rape, I shoot the bastard; that’s my policy” then we can assume a white victim, in which case the shooting would have been homophobic.

Then later there is these scene.

Oh shit.  Well I guess Harry won’t have to worry about shooting anybody anymore because he’s been fired eight times by now, so has his cop buddy.

In fact, there is now a Social Media hate mob after him, the San Francisco police department is being torn apart on Twitter, Black Lives Matter would be marching in the streets burning shit to the ground, and CNN and MSNBC would be calling for Harry Callahan’s head.

My how much stuff has changed.  No wonder Clint Eastwood is a die hard Republican.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Holy crap things have changed in SF”
  1. And the Police Chief in clip #1 went on to be shot in the head by young Mr Corleone.

    Must have relocated to the East Coast due to embarrassment over Harry.

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